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2 years ago

"Lady Wilson!" Another reporter hollered as they stood behind the podium. "Will the duke be present for your next public appearance?"

"Let's hope so," Jane smiled. "Please be assured that he is doing his best to combat our kingdom's economic drop."

"Your grace," a man dressed in tweed caught her attention. "Are there any plans for your first year ruling the duchy, being the first woman to do so?"

"Not that I know of. Although the Duke is always full of surprises."


"Are you here to congratulate me?" She finally said once her father returned from a particularly long trip, not bothering to stand from her seat at the dining table. She remembered their first disagreement. How easily she had given in to him and fought against the press. That was when respect shifted from the loved to the knowing. Dominance had to be established for this talk to leave in her favour, and she certainly wasn't about to bow down again. "Managing the dukedom on my own? Lowering our tax rates and still managing to survive?"

"Yes," He sat down across her. "It's certainly something to partake in this vanity isn't it? Making headlines, calling unnecessary press functions. Congratulations on wasting my people's time."

"Your people? The people you haven't spoken a word to since your trips to Ealdor?" her voice remained calm, a pleasant smile painted on her lips. Anyone watching from afar would have called it a normal dinner. "The very least I deserve is a thank you. Or a fraction of your time."

"I will give my time to those who deserve it," he matched her tone. "Especially those who have had the privilege of meeting you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You think I haven't heard what you're trying to do?" He sneered. "Balancing the servant's wages. Are you mad, Jane? It's one thing to demand the duchy from me, it's another to completely throw away your social customs."

"The stupid ones?" She raised her brow, picking at her food. "You never had to work your worth, papa. Having to work in an establishment really opens your eyes."

"You never had to. I never asked for you to follow that woman in her escapades."

"That woman is my mother. And she was trying to save the duchy from your stupid mistakes."

"No." he stood. 'You will not talk about me that way. Your mother is dead and what she did was stupid. I don't want you falling down that same rabbit hole. You will show me respect.'

"I do not respect you." her insides shook with rage, no longer able to paper over the cracks. "I do not respect a man who is too much of a coward to face his problems. I sacrificed my life for you. My mother is owed a funeral because you were out wasting our money."

"Do not talk about me in that way."

"I will talk about you however I choose." She clenched her fists, keeping her face as blank as she could. "You are the reason she isn't here eating at this table with us. You are the reason our family can barely hold together in public. Have you seen the papers? Where is James, papa? Where is your time for me? You love travelling more than you do me."

"I do not love you," he sneered. "I tolerate you, because you are impossible to please. Always unhappy, always locking yourself with your work. Just like your mother. I deserve your time as well."

"Then why aren't you here? Is it because I'm doing a better job than you? Why do you choose philandering over the person trying to handle your dukedom?"

"Your title has nothing to do with this."

"Alright," she nodded. "Not your daughter?'

"Do not blame me for this punishment." Tears were very much present in his eyes as his voice shook. "I never asked for you. I never asked for any of this." He turned, swiping his tears away angrily. "The nobility is a con Jane. We do what must be done. Happy or not."

"Well I deserve happy," she called as he left the room. "I deserve happiness, papa. More so than you."


'No more questions please. I will see you all next week for an update of our duchy's taxes.' She waved as light bulbs went off, blinding her momentarily. 'Thank you all for coming.'


"Miss Wilson," The man greeted her as he slipped into the occupied booth. "You look well." A necessary exaggeration. The young duchess looked as if she had spent the last hour sobbing quietly into her tea. Her eyes were bloodshot and her nose only a recovering shade of red. "I hear you require my services. What for?"

"A conflict of interest." Jane fought to hide her curiosity. "You were with the king on the day my father first asked for a loan. Three years later, two nobles are dead."

"I know. You were listening with the prince from the library weren't you?" The man smiled, not unkindly at Jane's frown. "I heard the scuffle, spied on your speculations." More disbelief filtered into Jane's emotions. "You already know of my work, your grace. No need to act so shocked."

"I... I suppose not." Jane shuffled in her seat, a question eating at her as she watched the spy order her own drink. "You've heard of the... killed... nobles."

"The duchess and the duke. Yes."

"I need to know how to save them."

"Save them?" The man studied her new client closely. Plain clothes, plain hair. Jane had tried desperately to blend in and yet, she still stood out. "What do you mean?"

"They died for a cause. I want to be part of it. My mother died trying to take her money's worth. I don't want to see anymore women being detained."

"What am I for then? You know I don't start a cause. I supply it."

"Exactly." Jane nodded. "I want to start a loan. Not much, just enough to save my reputation."

The man scoffed. "Are you sure, your grace? Once you're part of it you can't pull out." She warned. "I work for and against the king you see. Joining would mean defying the crown."

"I'm sure." Jane said firmly. "I don't want a kingdom. I want my life."

"Alright." He pulled out a book and ripped out a page, scribbling contacts on the paper before handing it to Jane. "There are a lot of whispers on the street about another trying to start the same cause." He tapped on the name written out. "My contacts and hers."

"But this is—"

"Yes, it is." He looked at her grimly. "A mole in the palace. The only reason I reached the king at all. 1000 crowns will be sent to your place in the next ten days. I suggest you use it wisely, Miss Wilson. I'll be waiting to collect."

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