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The ship lands and there was a hole opens in the glass "I'm gonna go check it out" Noddles whisper yells stretching his neck and puts it through the hole and puts it back to normal "we're all good" Noddles tells us.

We went out of the ship and went on the mother ship "am I just really small or is this ship really big" Guppy says "it's enormous" Rewind says "yeah how are we gonna find our parents?" I asked "I was thinking about that, Ms. Granada found us really easily back at Grandma's house l and I think I know how your bracelet" Wheels says grabbing Missy's bracelet "I haven't been able to contact my dad" Missy say "but maybe the transmitter in here that connects the two bracelet works like a tracking device, but I need a pair of pliers and a heat source" Wheels explains.

"My teeth are strong because my dad's a shark" Guppy says biting down "Perfect" Wheels said "and I've got a heat source...heat vision" Wildcard turns into a toaster "and now he's a toaster" I said grabbing the toaster and two pieces of toast pops out "close enough" Wheels says grabbing the toaster.

We all follow Missy "is it working?" Wheels asks "well it's leading us somewhere" Missy replies. We continued to follow Missy "hey that was really good back there" Missy says to Wildcard "what turning into a toaster instead of making heat vision" Wildcard said "it was heat related that's real progress" I told him "you only liked it because you ate the toast" he turns to me "what? It's not my fault I was hungry" I shrugged "pretty soon you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business it's all about belief" Missy adds.

"Um guys" A Capella stops "does anybody else hear that?" she continues as we heard rumbling "what is that?" the twins ask "it's below us" Wheels says putting his hands on his wheels "I can feel it" Wheels finishes then the floor starts shaking.

We all go against the wall when the floor starts cracking then tentacles came out of the floor we all scream and start running, we all stop in the center seeing there are 3 hallways to go to "which way?" Face Maker asks "that way" Missy says pointing to a door.

The door opens and we all start running to it when a tentacle came out of floor blocking our way, we all scream then I controlled it making it turn the other way and I signaled the others with my free hand to go.

We all go to a balcony and saw a giant liquid metal pyramid "look at that thing" Wildcard says pointing to the pyramid, the door below us opens and we saw the president walking in.

"What the heck is the president doing here?" Missy whispers yells, three more men follows the president "so they're inside this thing all of them?" The president points to the pyramid "that's correct" a man says "how long before the takeover begins?" The president asks the man wearing a red shirt white pants and a white jacket "according to the supreme commander, less than an hour" the man answers "so soon?" The president questions "that's what she says and she's never wrong" the man said.

"You don't have to remind me ever wonder why we bother with all this when she already knows how it's gonna turn out?" the president says "all part of the process I suppose" the guy said.

The president and the guards leave "what is that thing?" Face Maker points to the liquid pyramid "you heard him" Wildcard continues "it's a rocket stuffed to the gills with aliens, in less than an hour they'll send them down to Earth and start the takeover" Wildcard finishes "well then we have to stop them, let's go" Missy said, we all turned around when the door open, Ms. Granada and two guards appear from the door

"Do you children have any idea what you've done?" Ms. Granada asks coming closer to us "stealing one of our trains, turning headquarters upside down, flying an alien shuttle into outer space. hmm" Ms. Granada lists with anger then smiles "well done" she squeals.

We all looked at Ms. Granada with a confused face "looks like we underestimated your abilities and your leadership qualities, You took a huge risk but, it was the right risk" Ms. Granada said proudly "headquarters was attacked just minute after you escaped if you hadn't broken out you would have all been captured and you've managed to lead us into the heart of this alien mother ship?" Ms. Granada gasps and hums "so proud" she finishes.


I heard a voice say to me then got a sharp pain from my head. I touched my head not making any noise but closed my eyes from the pain "wait so we're not in trouble?" Missy asks "of course not, you are heroes" Ms. Granada said, everybody besides me and Ojo cheered.

"Missy and Mind" I heard Wheels whisper "her vital signs are all over the place" he said pointing to his tablet then Ojo showed Missy a drawing, Missy's eyes go wide and she turns back to Ms. Granada, the president comes from behind Ms. Granada "save your breath Granada they know" the president said "uh oh" Guppy said.

We all back up to the railing as tentacles come out from the president, Ms. Granada and the guards' backs "well then round them up" Ms. Granada said, tentacles were wrapped around us.


MIND ; wildcard *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now