Cobra kai

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Okay so I was going to go to the party with Sam but I was thinking about joining to check out cobra Kai, you know the dojo that Miguel mentioned?

———— (this means skip)

At lunch I was sitting with demetri, Eli, Sam and Miguel. At least Sam was sitting with me again, I know I'm WAY to happy and excited about this but I just cant stop talking about it. I was really happy.

"So I'm thinking-" Miguel got cut off. Yasmine and moon walked past our table.

"Hey Yasmine!" Sam said catching up to her.

"What?" She replied.

"Why have you been ignoring me!"

"Well.." she looked over at kyler.

"Why would you do that?" She looked back at Sam.

"And in a movie theatre.. that's yucky" moon added.

"What do you mean-" Sam realize what they were saying. She went to the movie theatres with kyler and I guess they broke up. He must have done something. Sam walked over to kyler furious.

"So I see, spreading rumours about me" she said. Kyler chuckled.

"Hey! You see the billboard with the dick. I guess Sam follows after her dad!" He shouted. Everyone started laughing, then Miguel walked up.

"HEY!" He yelled walking over to kyler.

"What?" Kyler scoffed. Miguel punched him in the face and started fighting kyler and his crew.


Miguel jumped on the table with a lunch tray in his hand. Everyone cheered while kyler and his friends stayed laying on the floor. A teacher came and took Miguel away.


I walked over to the cobra Kai dojo after school to see a crowd in front of the building. It was people from school, maybe they saw the fight. We got inside and I saw Miguel and Aisha, even Eli and demetri was here!

"Hey y/n!" Miguel tapped my shoulder.


"Um just wait here I will be right back!" He said.

"Alright!" I overhead a conversation between Eli and demetri.

"I can't believe you convinced me to do this." Demetri scoffed.

"C'mon it will be fun, you saw the fight." Eli muttered. Well I remembered that demetri did not like the idea of karate, on the other hand I thought karate was pretty cool.

"Hey, demetri! I thought you didn't like karate." I walked up to him and Eli.

"Yeah I don't, but this man dragged me into this." He complained while Eli smiled, I chuckled to myself. We talked for a while then our sensei came into the room- uh well Johnny Lawrence.

"Alright class, we have a lot of nerds in here today. But you can't be nerds! You have to fight and be badass." Johnny shouted.


He challenged demetri after he made fun of Eli's lip.

"hit me" Johnny challenged. Demetri tried to punch him but he didn't even try.

"HARDER!" after demetri tried he got attacked by sensei. Well not attacked just flipped to the ground. They both left, I learned a few moves and class was over. Eli had left early after sensei made fun of him, I felt really bad.

—— (the next day at the dojo)

I was at the dojo talking to Miguel and Aisha and then class started. A few minutes after a speech sensei was making someone walked in, someone with a blue Mohawk and a sweater with a zipper.

"Welcome to cobra kai" Johnny welcomed the boy. When Miguel looked at him he was shocked, I was confused.

"Eli? What happened?" Miguel revealed who it was, ELI?

"Im flipping the script" Eli spoke.

"Wait are you that kid with the lip? Nice cut bro!" Johnny pointed.

"It's hawk" Eli- hawk said
I was- I- just- speechless. I mean, Eli? I cant even explain. This was so weird! At the end of class I was just going to go home and catch up on homework. I feel like it was kind of awkward between me and demetri, like is it just me or whenever you like someone and you feel like they like you too so you get really excited but then they tell you and it just ruins it for you.. yeah that was me. After the kiss too, I mean I wanted to kiss him but I just felt awkward after that. I still liked him though, well... yeah I did but I was going to go home and do homework, by that I mean think about demetri.

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