Cheesy Hotdog on Buns

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-oil for frying

-5 to 6 pcs Purefoods Tender Juicy Hotdog, Jumbo size

-1/2 cup cheese spread

-1/4 cup evaporated milk

-hotdog buns

-lettuce leaves

-pickles and slices of black olives for garnishing


          Heat oil in frying pan and fry hotdogs. Set aside.

          Blend cheese spread and milk. Put in saucepan and simmer for 2 minutes. Allow to cool.

          Slice and toast hotdog bun. Spread a piece of lettuce leaf and top with hotdog. Pipe out cheese and milk spread the way you like it.

          Hold hotdog in place with a decorative toothpick, garnish with pickles and olives.

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