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"Ume, time to get up!" My eyes greeted the ceiling again. Looking up at Yamashita-san, I could only scratch my head as I stated at him.

"I see. I'll get ready to shower." Getting out of the bed, I had went to go grab some new clothing, specifically including the KFP uniform that is a necessity. Before I could walk inside my bathroom, I felt a pain in my head, causing me to stop in my tracks. Knowing Yamashita-san, he will be trying to help me right now.

"Something wrong, Yamashita-san!" Staring back at him, my eyes widened in surprise as I watched him walk down the path. It was basically suicide to go through this!

"Ume, what's wrong? You just stopped all of a sudden." As I realized that I was watching the confused Yamashita-san in front of my face, I shook my head.

"Nothing. I'm fine, Yamashita-san." Before I walked inside the bathroom, I felt his hand land on my head. Before I could remove it, he started toy with my hair.

"Ume. If you need something, I'm always here to help. I have a purpose to help others when they need it, you know. Shamefully, it looks like thay rubbed off on you. Whatever you do for anyone, I'm proud of you." As I stood there and stared at the door, I could only inhale... before exhaling. It was normal, but I wasn't expecting him to pat my head again.

And as I turned around, Yamashita-san was gone. I must've been in my head for too long.

"I hope to continue to make you proud, Yamashita-san. I owe you everything that you've done for me."

Soon after, I had felt another wave of strange energy hit me. But nothing happened as of yet.


"KIKIRIIIIIIKIIII!" Opening the door to the KFP I noticed the hyperactive Tenchou sitting on top of the counter. This was my fourth day working here, so I must consider thag I will be dealing with this everyday now.

"Morning, Tenchou." I greeted her. After getting up from the counter, she slouched forward, as if she was expecting something, only to be disappointed.

"Why can't you be like any normal person! Why isn't there bangs under your eyes!? Why aren't you complaining about how much work you're doing!?" I could see the frustration enveloping her as she started to stomp on the floor. Is it normal to complain about your workload?

"I don't understand the reason behind that." She sat on one of the tables and stared at the ceiling with her head arched back.

"There doesn't need to be a reason!" She threw her arms above her. "Just complain to me!" I don't understand the reason as to why she wants to here complaints from me.

"I... will do no such thing." I would've paid more attention to Tenchou's rampant yelling, but the feeling of my phone buzzing in my pocket took my focus.

"Wake up. You know that you're sleeping, Ume." My eyes narrowed as I noticed my name written there. Who was this person? And how exactly did he know who I was? I'm sure that if you're given a number, you won't see their name, so how exactly does this person know?

"Ume, are you listening to me?" Putting my phone in my pocket, I shook my head.

"No. I was interrupted from listening to you by this unknown person texting me. I'm sorry." I could hear her mutter something, but I didn't know what she said.

"Fine, but don't do it again, you hear!? Now let's get started for the day!" Her excitement seems to be uncontainable. If she was like this to her previous employee, then I wonder how he would respond to this.


After organizing boxes of chicken, I had decided to walk to the front, seeing if there was going to be anyone visiting. For this routine, it was going to lead me to the front, so taking orders was going to be a trend to-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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