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"2 months, Jaerin-ah

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"2 months, Jaerin-ah. 2 FUCKING MONTHS". Yuri tried calming down the enraged Hyewon.

"Do you not know the consequences Min Jaerin. I'm sure you fucking know it well. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO?" Hyewon continued clearly frustrated by her best friend's attitude towards the situation.


"i can't even assure those guys that their friend is gonna be back safe and sound". Hyewon murmured, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

"Why can't you for once understand, j-jaerin". She broke down. It had been 2 months since Jaemin went missing. The group had managed to find Jaerin after a week of searching. However Jaemin was nowhere to be found. 
The only good thing coming out of this was the rest of them getting closer.

"Hyewon-ah, Someone saw him near the valley". Jisung barged in  catching his breath.

"Everyone pair up and we're going and searching near the valley, And You are coming as well". Hyewon wiped her tears and pointed at Jaerin before running off with Jisung.


"Sorry Jae I really can't do anything, you know Hye".

As for Jaemin the past 2 months went horribly slow and were literal hell.

He couldn't understand what was happening and how and before he could get up and search for answers, the torture and pain would come back, worser than before.

He often felt a strong grip on his throat, pain in his abdomen. His arms and legs ached. His back hurt from the amount of times he was slammed into the brick wall by an unknown force.

Jaemin's head spun from all the pain, wanting it to end. And All he heard was sounds of some cars passing by.

He gathered all the strength he had left inside him and limped his way over to the highway, waving his hand hoping someone would notice, he moved further and further not realising he was almost in the middle of the one-way road.

Last thing he remembered was a bright flashing light, a scream that called out for him and a small push.

(Pov change)

"Jisung did you- YAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Hyewon screamed scaring the shit out of Jisung.

"What do you mean, I'm trying to find Jaemin Hyung". Jisung answered simply trying to keep calm.

"Okay then I'll look this way and look for him that way, hmm"


"Jisung-ah are you scared"?

"PFFT you thought".

"Why did you say no then"?

"Well ummm- YEAH FOR YOUR SAFETY you know its late and you shouldn't be alone and uhh".

"Jisung you're scared, nevermind just follow me". Hyewon had given up on the boy, he got scared of everything from the sound of the birds to the sound of her breaths. Boy even got scared of the wet grass. But she gotta admit he looked really cute while he got scared.

"YAH YAH YAH ITS STEEP-" Jisung yelled but it was too late, Hyewon stepped on air, definitely not realising it was really steep.

In a blink of an eye, Jisung had caught the girl by her waist pulling her body towards him.

Hyewon's face side-crashed into his chest, where she could hear his synchronized heartbeats. She slowly closed her eyes, listening to the calming sound of his heartbeat.

"Y-yah Hyewon what's wrong".

"Shhh" Hyewon shushed him by placing a finger on his lips, forming a visible blush on his face. Thankfully it was dark so the blush was not seen, however his heart beat quickened, frowning Hyewon looked up, only to find out the boy staring back at her, their faces inches away. She could feel his hot breaths fanning her face.

That's when Jisung's phone rang.

"Who is it"?

"Doyeon Noona".

"I dont have my phone maybe that's why, amswer the call".

(On call)

"J-jisung-ah, its Mark Hyung"

"Oh yes Mark hyung what happened, did you find him".

"We did but but"

"But what Hyung"?

"Call others and come to xxx Hospital, I'll explain after everyone reaches here"

"Okay Hyung, we're coming as quick as possible".

(Called Ended)

"Hyewon, we need to gather everyone, right now". Jisung said and quickly called Renjun and asked him to inform Chenle, Jeno
And DongHyuck.

"Why what happened"?

"I'll explain on the way, lets go". He pulled her by wrist basically dragging her towards his bike.

"Here" Jisung tossed over the helmet to Hyewon, as he put his helmet on.



And He sped off.

Sorry I'm aware this chapter was short, thats because I have like really important exams coming up and I have gotten barely any sleep

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Sorry I'm aware this chapter was short, thats because I have like really important exams coming up and I have gotten barely any sleep. I am kinda sleepy so I wrote this in a hurry. I'll make a longer chapter next. :)

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