1 - Dumptrunk

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"Sebastian, are you even listening to me?"

I shut my locker before pushing my keys down into my backpocket and heading for the front door.

"That's not my name Haley and you know it" i answer in a mumble as i check for missed calls from my boss about stepping in tonight. Liam's apparently taking the weekend off to meet his new girlfriend or some shit like that. I'll call him back later from the car once Haleys out of my sight.

"Okey fine, Bastian. Are you even listening to me?"

"No" i answer truthfully as we reach the big glass doors and push through them and into the warm summer air. The semester just started and i am not ready for summer to be over yet.

Haleys face turns into a frown as she grunts in annoyance.

"Okey idiot. I was asking you about your audition this morning. Do you think you have a shot?"

"Of course i do, that role's mine and everyone knows it. To be honest i'm not sure why they're still making me audition for these things.."

A strand of hair escapes from the bun at the back of my head but i just tugg it behind my ear as we keep walking towards the parking lot.

"You are so self-absorbed sometimes Bastian, you know that right?"

She looks up at me from under her light curls as i chuckle to myself.

"Don't act like you don't love it"

Just as she's about to reply a hard shoulder pushes into me and i stumble forward, almost losing my balance and falling on my face.

Walking past me i see the schools football captain and his companions moving on as if nothing happened.

"Hey, watch it jerk!"

The jocks stop in their tracks and turn towards us. Ponthus, the captain, meets my eyes with a sharp ice blue glare. He eyes me up and down before crossing his arms across his chest. The others just stand awkwardly behind him, observing quietly, awaiting what the dark haired boy is going to do next.

"What did you just say to me?"

I'm almost taken back by his sharp tongue, his words coming out in a way as if he was telling a joke, laughing at me. I have never talked to Ponthus before, but i never expected his voice to be so deep.

The captains brows draw together in his forehead as i realise i have been quiet for too long now and quickly have to come up with something to say before he thinks his threatening posture actually scared me.

"I said, you should watch where you're going, jerk"

Ponthus amused look turns serious as he takes a step towards us. Haley grips onto my arm as if wanting me to back down, but i don't let go of the stare into the blue eyed boys eyes.

"If i were you i'd choose my next words very carefully"

I see as Ponthus's fists crawl on his side, and i have to stop myself from chuckling. Does he think he is scaring me now or something?

As he's about to take another step his friend grabs his shoulder and pulls him back.

"Come on Forsmark, let's go. He's not worth it"

As i eye him with an amused grin on my face, Ponthus lets himself get pulled away by his friends and keep on walking away from us. His dark hair flows over his shoulders like waves before he tuggs at the back of it in annoyance, and i can't help to chuckle at the sight.

"Jesus, what was his problem?"

We keep on walking as we reach my yellow bubble. I unlock it and take my seat behind the steering wheel, Haley sliding in on the passengers seat.

"No idea, he probably just needs to get laid or some shit"

I start the car and decide to turn the radio way up so i won't have to hear Haleys monologues about the school play for the rest of the car ride.

As we back out of the parking lot i can't help to think about the aggressive jock that was just about to beat my ass for calling him out on being a jerk. Damn he must have had a bad day, or he just has really bad mood swings. Who knows, and who cares really. There's a reason i don't talk to guys like Ponthus Forsmark, and it will remain that way. I can't stand people like him. He gets on my nerves and i don't like it.

The radio worked out great as a way to shut Haley up because when i drop her off at her hideous house she has barley said a word to me during the whole ride, other than asking the name of a song or two.

As i start the car back up i dial Linus's number and put the phone on speaker mode in my lap, leaving Haleys driveway. I wasn't planning on working tonight, not att all this week actually. But i also don't mind, it's good cash and if not that i was only going to stay home and play video games with my sister anyways.

"Bastian, fucking finally, where have you been all day?"

I roll my eyes as i am forced to stop by a red light, but also for my bosses stupid and unnecessary annoyance with me for not answering the same exact second that he calls.

"It's called school idiot, some of us still have to go"

"Yeah okay whatever" he continues as the lights switch green. "Did you see my messages?"

"I did" i reply, turning another corner. At the end of the street i see my house. I swiftly shift my gaze towards the digital clock and it shows the time 4.15 pm. That gives me a enough time to hop in the shower and get some clothes.

"And?"he practically shouts in my ear.

"I'll see you in five hours"


The music in the small club is loud and in the club area people are cheering and whistling.

I look at myself in the dusty mirror. My light brown hair is out of it's usual ponytail, framing my slightly painted face. I don't use much makeup on stage but a little mascara never hurt anyone.

I let Marcus put some glitter on my cheeks when i got here, more for his enjoyment than mine. But it doesn't necessarily look bad. And it matches my bottoms really well. Maybe i should but some on my butt cheeks as well...

"Hey Trunk, you're up. Good luck out there, bring home some bread for mama" Marcus laughs behind me as he smacks my ass and walks away to the closet, swaying his hips.

"And next up on stage, a returning favorit that is jumping in for a friend tonight, here he is , i know you've all missed him, give it up for Daddys Dumptrunk!"

The crowd start cheering in hysteria as i walk upon the stage and walk seductively towards the pole. Whistles are heard across the mass and some are already throwing money at me. I smirk towards the old men sitting in fancy chairs in front of me, getting them to tugg dollar bills down my sparkling underwear. I give the men a wink, and as i look out across the crowd i stpot many familiar faces.

But then, there.

In the back of the crowd, leaning towards the open bar.

No, it can't be?

A small smirk grows on the boys lips as his ice blue eyes light up in amusement.

You've got to be fucking kidding me

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