Chapter 1: The Fight (pt2)

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No. There was absolutely no way

Amelia tightened her grip on her favorite pillow, eyes wide and blushing. There was no way she liked lucia.. I mean she did but not in that way

Really? you fell for the dumbass?

Amelia whined and flipped over, still blushing as she faced the ceiling. She buried her face in her hands, the realization making her feel worse about what she had said then. She drifted off to sleep, tired of denying it.

I love her.


Lucia hadn't slept last night, she had stayed up staring at Amelia's text, not knowing how to respond. She knew Amelia didn't mean it, that doesn't mean it still didn't sting. She shuffled out of bed, peeking out the window before throwing on her slightly stained purple striped t-shirt and her favorite bomber jacket, paired with some random pair of jeans. Just before she left her room she paused, glancing over at a small worn notebook  on her desk labelled "Jobs". 

I should ask eda if she needs me for anything

She sighed and pocketed the book before heading out, bumping into Luz on the way.

"Lucia!" she chirped

"morning.." Lucia muttered.

how the heck does this kid have so much energy 

"mom had to go out early, she left some pancakes out though!" 


Lucia smiled as she listened to Luz go on about the new Azura book that was released a week ago, they made their way to the kitchen where Lucia interrupted her.


Luz paused and awkwardly chuckled, trying not to notice. She had left a single pancake for Lucia.

This kid..

Lucia chuckled and ruffled Luz's hair, moving to skewer the pancake with a fork as she pulled out her phone. She stared at Amelia's text she had open for a minute before scrolling to a contact listed as "Eda"

Lucia: Have any new jobs for me this week?

She took a bite out of her pancake and put her phone down as she waited for a response. She turned around looking for Luz who had seemingly disappeared, not too worried as she was probably in her room. As she was about to get up and call her, her phone buzzed. 

Eda: You should slow down kid

Lucia: Im fine, I need the money anyway

Eda: alright, whatever you say

She sent a list of a couple of her clients, Lucia scrolled through and wrote them down in her notebook. 

Eda: don't die.

Lucia: I wont dont worry

Lucia scarfed down the rest of her pancake before making her way to Luz's room, the bright eyed kid was shuffling around with her backpack before finally noticing Lucia at her door.

"Oh! uh im almost ready, no need to wait for me here hehe" 

Luz attempted to shuffle past Lucia, Lucia pulling the bag off of her before she got the chance. She held the bag just out of reach, something wriggling inside from the sudden movement. Lucia chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

"Slow down chiquita! what's in the bag" 

"Its nothing! Just  a school project-" Luz mumbled, obviously lying

Before lucia could continue ratting the kid out a small "yip" came from the bag

"is that king??" Lucia muttered, setting the bag down and opening it up. Sure enough, the small black dog was inside, almost jumping out at the sight of Lucia. 

"how'd you kidnap him? edas apartment is downtown.."

Luz looked down in defeat "I just found him near school! I promise I was gonna return him, that's why I put him in there"

Lucia let out a chuckle before setting the tiny dog free to roam for a bit. "Y'know you could've just told me, I wouldn't have gotten mad. Plus I'm heading over to edas place later today after work, he can stay with me until then" 

Luz smiled and gave lucia a hug, catching her off guard. "Thanks Lucia.."

Lucia smiled and hugged her back, pulling away after a minute or so. "I have something to do tonight, can you hold down the fort while i'm out?"

"You betcha! Why? You heading to Amelia's?..." Luz teased

"Oh would you quit it! And- yeah, im.. heading to Amelia's" 

She doesn't need to know.. plus me and amelia are probably gonna work it out soon enough

The two of them (+king) got ready and head out, Lucia grabbing her bat before locking the door.

I'm slowly realising this is gonna take absolute ages sauhsjvcbak. my apologies if the wording/grammar seems off (also for the short chapter/part aha), my brain is not working rn-

(also yes thats my doodle)


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