Y: 'Then why are you nervous? Not gonna bite you or sum'

He laughs.

J: 'Nah I'm not nervous I just like touching my hair'

Y: 'Tell that too my face'

He immediately looks away and I laugh.

Y: 'Ok why you so nervous'

J: 'Oh fine, I'm nervous cause I dont know if I'm gonna take your virginity right now'

I burst out laughing.

Y: 'Sounds so much like you, how many girls virginitys have you taken anyways'

J: 'Like 5 I think, maybe 6?'

He looks at me and dice rolls. I burst out laughing and Josh laughs too.

J: 'Shit why am I so nervous?!

I burst out laughing again and cant seem to stop even when Josh puts his hand over my mouth.

J: 'Stop laughing omg! Are you good?!'

I keep laughing and Josh shakes his head and smiles.

J: 'Your such a child, you remind me of my sister who's a year younger then me'

I giggle.

Y: 'Ugh god I think I've stopped for now'

J: 'Mmm for now'

I giggle again.


I burst out laughing and go into another fit of giggles.

J: 'Ight I'm going to Liams fuck you and your virginity'

I burst out laughing and Josh stands up. I grab his hand and pull him back and he lands just above your lips.

J: 'Fate?'

I push my lips against his and he pushes himself on top of me. He strokes my cheek and I put a hand on his. After a few minutes, he pulls back and looks me dead in the eyes.

J: 'Your ment to be at Rihannas with the girls,'

I look away and nod.

Y: 'If I go now, then they wont suspect anything'

Josh gently moves off me and I sit up. I smile at him and go back to my room. I grab some spare clothes and pjs and brush my hair. I grab my keys and purse and quickly leave. I get down to the car and drive back to Rihannas dorm. I go up and open the door and smile.

Y: 'Hey!'

R: 'Hey bae! What took you so long? You were almost an hour'

Y: 'Stuck in lost if traffic by my apartment,'

R: 'Oh fairs, weve just made caramel popcorn if you want some, plus we got snacks'

Y: 'Oooo I love caramel popcorn! Where can I put my stuff?'

R: 'My room,'

I nod and go inside her room. I put my stuff in the corner and quickly change into pjs since all the girls had. I go into the kitchen and all the girls and Danny are choosing snacks.

C: 'Oi Blair do you mind if Danny joins our sleepover? Hes sworn secrecy to everything we say'

I smile and nod.

Y: 'Yeah, it would be rude and unfair is we just left him out'

They all agree and I pick up a bag of cheesy doritos. Once we've all got snacks and drinks, I go back to Rihannas room and put on Netflix.

R: 'Ok let's choose a movie'

D: 'What genre? I know you'll probably pick romance or sum'

N: 'Sterotypical much! I dont really like romance films, too soppy, I prefer sci fi or action films'

D: 'Nooo I love rom-coms! It's so cute!'

N: 'Do they need to put so many sex scenes in?! Dam just say they slept together and bam, next part'

C: 'I agree with Daisy, romance films are so cute, I love them'

G: 'Of course you do, I prefer sci fi they are so cool!'

D: 'What about you Blair? Romance or action?'

Im wiped from my thoughts and look at them all blankly.

Y: 'Hmm? Oh um I like romance, shows me a world of something I havent got,'

I get up and go to the toilet. As I leave, you hear Gabby mutter

G: 'Someone set her up with Josh'

I lock the door of the bathroom and quickly wash my face. I give myself a quick harsh confidence talk and go back out to everyone.

D: 'Miss girl are you good? That was pretty deep'

Y: 'Yeah I'm fine, ignore me'

We end up deciding on watching after then after we collided. Halfway through after we collided, I get a message from Josh.

J: 'I cant stop thinking about you'...

Hey guys, sorry it wasnt a dirty video, I was waiting for a bit further into the book cause I wanna make this about 50 chapters and upwards, trust me, there will be lots of dirty stuff later in the book, I'm just building up to that point. Stay safe xx

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