Chapter 6 - Mind Games and Nicknames

Start from the beginning


The avengers by nature weren't very trusting people, especially not of strangers that have no clue where they are. The room was silent, they all seemed to be in thought.

"Hold on" Bucky interrupted the silence, "Was she wearing Pete's clothes?"

"Yeah I think so, I bought him that hoodie for Christmas," Tony said, "It's one of the only things without science puns on it" He laughed. 

"Is she a friend of his?" Thor asked, looking at Tony.

"Nope, the only friend he has is Ned, and sometimes MJ"

"Sometimes?" Bruce asked

"It's complicated." Tony sighed "But I know for a fact that that wasn't MJ" 

"So who was it?" Bucky stood up from his seat, pacing.

"I'm not sure, but we can find out" Tony continued "FRIDAY, tell Wanda to come up to the conference room on the main level". 


When Wanda made her way into the conference room she was immediately clued in on what had happened and their plan. They wanted her to get inside the girl's head and find out who she was, see if she was hiding anything. They wouldn't look too far but just enough for Wanda to know if she was a threat or not. 

It may seem a bit much but considering that it seemed like everyone was out to kill them and HYDRA was still on the loose, they couldn't take any chances and sending a teenager in to befriend Peter was something they wouldn't rule out. 

Soon the plan was in motion and all seven of them left the conference room, Bruce and Thor left to go to the labs and Steve wasn't really one to be involved with mind control so he left to train but promised to come up if they needed him. 

The four remaining made their way to the kitchen where the teenagers were and spaced themselves out around the room. Bucky and Natasha were at the doorway in case she tried to run, Tony was going to distract Peter and then Wanda could look inside her head. 

Seven was enjoying her lunch with Peter, he had made them grilled cheese and salad and she was very happy having a conversation with him too. 

Peter was talking about his spiderman suit when she noticed four of the avengers come in, putting her slightly on edge. She had desperately wanted to make a good impression and she had messed up. They probably thought she was insane or something. 

She watched the man with the metal arm and the woman with similar hair to her own stand by the doorway while the other woman who looked much younger than the rest, stood closer on the other side of the island, just opposite her. The man with the light had started talking to Peter who had turned away from her to answer him, she didn't mind but she was definitely intimidated. Seven didn't have a good track record with adults. 

Suddenly she felt a weird sensation in her brain, almost fuzzy and she immediately started to pay attention to her surroundings and began listening to the conversation behind her that the man and woman were having. 

"ты думаешь она подозрительна?" (do you think she's suspicious?) 

Was that Russian? Who are they talking about?

"Я ей не доверяю" (I don't trust her)

"Может, она просто пришла и дружит с Питерсом? Это ненормально." (she just shows up and is a friend of Peter's? That isn't normal.)

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