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Billie held her hand out for you to take but you just stepped towards her leaving her hanging. You were really moody and fed up by now because it was very late.

Billie started walking in the opposite direction and you followed close behind. Billie slowed down her pace so you were next to her and she put her arm around your waist. You used your index finger and thumb to grab the end of her sleeve and took her hand off. She just put her hand in her pocket so she didn't look awkward.

You decided to start a conversation by saying "out of everyone in the crowd why did you pick me?".
"because you caught my eye, you looked special" she responded.
"oh wow thanks" you said sarcastically.
"not that kind of special, like a good special" she said defending herself. You kept walking and the tour bus was about 10 minutes away.
"ay I have a dad joke" Billie said.
"oh joy, I hear enough of them from Ash" you responded.
"I got a new bedroom and it was vegetable themed, but I got a bigger bed for it" Billie said.
"uh ok? How is that a joke?" you asked kinda confused.
"well, since my bed was bigger, I didn't have mushroom" she said. She looked at you waiting for you to say something.
"oh. My. Days. Such a dad joke bro" you said cringing.
"ahaaa you liked it" Billie said poking your arm playfully. You arrived at the tour bus and Billie stopped you in your tracks.
"don't be weird" she said as she held your arm.
"jeez ok didn't think I was being weird in the first place" you said kinda offended.
"you weren't I was just saying" she said.
"fine whatever" you said kinda fed up now that she said don't be weird.

There were big steps that lead up into the bus and because you were shorter than Billie you were kinda scared that you'd fall.
"go then" she said.
"uh I can't, I'll fall" you said hesitantly.
"fine" Billie said as she stepped up the stairs. When she got to the top of the stairs, she held out her hand. You grabbed it and she helped you up the stairs.
"jeez why they so big" you said as you got to the top.
"to stop short people from getting on" she said. You looked at her blankly and she just gave you her million-dollar smile.
"maybe I shouldn't be on here then" you said playfully as you were about to go down the steps.
"no" Billie said as she pulled you back by your waist. She turned you around and pulled you closer so your noses were practically touching.
"I want you to stay" she whispered. You guys just stayed there for a few seconds looking into each other's eyes.
"oh hey Bils who's that" someone said. Billie kinda pushed you away from her when she heard that.
"uh hi mum, this is mj" she said rubbing the back of her neck. You thought look who's being awkward now.
"hey MJ, you're always welcome here, I'm Maggie" she said.
"hi, thank you" you said smiling slightly.
"uh mum she wanted to hang out with me, when are we gonna get to the hotel" Billie said.
"in about 10 minutes" Maggie said.
"alright we'll just go to the seating area for now then" Billie said grabbing your arm pulling you along with her. The seats were like couches, they were really comfy. They were by the wall so only one way in and out.

Billie's Concert girlxgirl (finished)Where stories live. Discover now