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*back at the concert area*

You felt your phone buzz so you took it out to check it.

Phone View

Mum where did you put my shirt I'm on in a minute.

Wrong number lmao

Oh lol its Billie btw

Oh bye then

Bye imma be making sure you out in the crowd tho

Yeah sure whatever


You changed her name on your phone to Billie so you wouldn't get confused again. She ran on the stage and looked at you when she got to her spot. You decided to text her to distract her from the show just for funsies.

Phone View

Hey, we can meet backstage after your next performance ;)


"hold on guys I'm getting a notification give me a second" billie said taking her phone out. She looked at it then at you. You gave her a 'why are you looking at me like that' face to annoy her. She put her phone back and her song started playing. She started singing and you were quite impressed.


Billie had finished her whole concert for that night and you were right at the front so you had to wait for everyone at the back and middle to get out first. You finally got out after like 30 minutes and Ash's car was down a few streets so you had to walk about 10 minutes so you were pretty annoyed.

You heard running footsteps behind you and you and Ash were alone so you turned around sharply to see a person with a black hoodie with their hood up running to you. You started running and the footsteps started getting louder. They grabbed you by the shoulder and turned you around.

You screamed and they put their hand over your mouth.
"get off her!" you heard Ash scream.
"stop it's me" they whispered.
"who!" Ash shouted. Ash started pushing them off you and Ash was about to throw a punch when they pulled their hood down revealing Billie and she put her hands up like a surrender.
"it's just me" she said.
"bro why'd you scare us like that" Ash said really annoyed.
"I didn't mean to scare you, it was so no fans would know it was me" Billie said.
"why'd you come over to us anyway?" Ash said scared.
"oh MJ said she would meet me backstage after the show" she responded.
"it was a joke to distract you when you were on stage" you said.
"bro why'd you do that" Billie said annoyed.
"cos you annoyed me by taking me backstage so now we're even" you responded.
"fair enough, anyway come in my car to my house" she said.
"oh my god yeah let's go MJ!" Ash shouted excitedly.
"uh no, just MJ" Billie said.
"no thanks I hardly know you" you said back.
"seriously? I ain't gon hurt you" Billie said.
"she won't hurt you MJ she's really nice" Ash said reassuring you.
"fine whatever" you said kinda fed up.

Billie's Concert girlxgirl (finished)Where stories live. Discover now