"Room 0823!" he called, getting to the door. "Help!"

A nurse that was passing by, startled by the unruly-looking man, rushed in and gently pushed Shota out of the room. Another nurse came to help, and Shota began panicking even more. What was happening?

Minutes passed, and soon the two nurses came out. Shota couldn't tell from their expressions if they had good news or bad news. Thankfully, they smiled.

"Mx. [L/N] is alright. They're awake now, and we suggest you wait before going in. We have to inform the doctor about this first." They bowed to him, one of them leaving and the other lowering his face mask and waiting for any questions Shota may have.

He nodded his head, relieved. "How long will it take?"

"Not too long," the nurse promised. He gave him a hopeful smile. "Please just be patient a while longer."

Shota nodded once more, bowing to him. He sat down numbly at a bench. "Thank you."

Waiting. Again.


You awoke with blurry memories and blurry sight. You felt like you've slept for over a week.

"You've been asleep for over a week."

Okay, then.

You looked towards the source of the voice to see a man, most likely a doctor with his white coat and clipboard.

You opened your mouth to ask who, what, when, where, why, and how, but only managed a "huh?"

"Do you remember what happened before you woke up?" the man asked. "Take your time."

"Uh." You gulped, wracking your brain for memories. "I was at... summer training camp. With the students. There were remedial classes. I was going there to help Aizawa. Then there was a Nomu. A bunch of other people were there... and—" You looked up, panicked as more memories started returning. "Midoriya was there too. How is he? The other students? Aizawa? And the... the villains?"

"Calm down. They're all safe. I'm sure your friend can fill you in later." The doctor smiled, taking a look over you. "You'll need to stay here for a little while until we make sure your body is okay. You seem mentally fine at the moment, so I'll let him in."

He got up, checking the information in his clipboard and the machines around you, then opened the door.

A familiar tired man came in slowly, unsure if he was allowed in.

The doctor said something you didn't quite catch, and left, closing the door behind him.


"[L/N]." Aizawa breathed a sigh of relief. "You're okay."

"I guess I am?" You looked over yourself: bandages wrapped around your torso and machines hooked up to you. You put your hand to your head and felt more bandages around your head. "What happened?"

"You got hurt fighting a Nomu and went into a coma," he said simply.

You looked down at the bandages again. "Oh yeah. I got stabbed." You stared at him blankly, then giggled. "I feel like you just summed up a story of a thousand sentences into one."

"I suppose." He smiled slightly, still with a bit of worry in his expression. "I wasn't there for the full situation, but your friends explained most of it to me."

"My friends?"

"Aiko and Ethan, not too sure about your relationship with Miki and Katsumi. They were there when you took down the Nomu." He took a deep breath. "They turned themselves in, turns out the league of villains were the ones that attacked the others, Bakugo was kidnapped, the heroes saved him and All Might fought the main boss person and won, but All Might's era came to an end, dorms were built, and students will be living there now."

"Damn," you said. Aizawa talking like this was a sight. And the 'main boss person'... Sensei? What about Tomura? "What about... the other villains?"

Aizawa paused. "Many escaped." He sighed. "Including Shigaraki. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing."

You remained silent for a while.

"He visited you once, by the way. While I was here."

"You didn't try to stop and catch him?"



"He was family." He smiled softly at you.

Come to think of it, you've never seen him smile like this before. It was nice to know that he was relieved. That he cared about you.

You sighed again, looking up at the ceiling, then remembered something.

"Hey, when you were here, were you talking to me?"

He looked at you surprised. "...Yes."

"Oh." You pursed your lips, not knowing what to say. So it was his voice in your dreams. What he was saying, however, could have been distorted and warped, right? There's no way he'd say he loved you, right? You looked right into his eyes, deciding to straight up ask him. "Did you happen to say that—"

Aizawa stood up, avoiding your gaze. "I should go now. I was told your body heals itself even in a coma, so your injuries may have healed, but the doctor will check you over. Hopefully you'll be able to get out soon. I'll see you later."

He headed towards the door.


"Shota," he said quickly, glancing over his shoulder before leaving. You could have sworn there was a red tint on his cheeks, and you could feel a bit of warmth on yours, too.

You stared dumbfounded at the door, then sighed. If it was what he said... you had to respond.

Insomnia [Shota Aizawa x Reader] (Rewritten Version)Where stories live. Discover now