Chapter One: Duty Calls

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The Wings of Courage: An Attack on Titan Spin Off mini story

On a stormy day in a Military training camp, the new 105th Trainee Squad is training to use there ODM gear on the balance course.

Meanwhile, friends Dakota, Klara, and Peter were practicing their balance. They all passed and went on to become great with the ODM gear. Surprisingly, they were all in the top ten. Dakota at first, Klara at fourth, and Peter at seventh. Peter and Klara were the youngest survivors of the fall of Shiganshina.


Klara Smith was a little girl from Shiganshina who just wanted to make everyone happy. When the Colossal Titan broke through the wall, her family was the first to die. She lived just outside the wall. She was literally the closest house to the Colossal Titan's position. Her father was a Survey Corps member who died just before Shiganshina fell. All that is left of him is his perfectly preserved green cape. Her mother died protecting Klara as a Garrison member. She was 5'7, with tan skin and reddish brown hair.

Dakota Winters was an immortal teen. He was born in the year 350. As a child, he had the plague and became the first titan. When the titans came in the year 738, he enlisted. He kept on faking his death every few decades, as he could reverse his age. By the time that he went to the enlisting post to reenlist, he was already more than a master of the art of 3 Dimensional mobility. He can change his appearance and erase people's memory, but he always had that scar, streak, and discolored eye. That was how he kept enlisting. When he met Klara and Peter, he became a much kinder person. He is 5'11 when he is fifteen, but when he ages into a man, he is 6'3. He has lightly tanned skin with a white streak in his hair, and a huge scar on the right side of his face. On that side, he has a silver eye.

Peter Carlisle was Klara's best friend during their childhood. He for some reason felt the titans coming and led Klara away just barely in time to save her life. He was a poor child from the outer district as well. No one knows much about him though, he keeps a lot about himself a secret... He is 5'4 and had light skin with blonde hair.

Chapter One: Duty Calls

One dark night, the members of the 105th Trainee Squad had to choose the military legion that they would remain in for the rest of their lives. Klara said, "I don't know what I want to be in, my mom died to save my life, but my dad died for the good of the human race!" "Calm down Klara, join the Scouts, That's what the rest of us are going to do." Peter said. "Yeah, we all decided. Your boyfriend is going to. We all have our reasons, but you have more than most to want to destroy the titans." I noted. "You might as well."

Just then, I heard a siren. This was the one siren that we knew could only mean one thing, the Colossal Titan had broken through the gate. We had to get their ODM gear first.

While most of the trainees were trembling, Peter, Klara, and I, Dakota were quick and were able to take two extra tanks of gas and took as many black blades as possible. (Black blades were the toughest, sharpest blades that were ideal for titan killing.)"Calm down Klara, join the Scouts, That's what the rest of us are going to do." Peter said. "Yeah, we all decided. Your boyfriend is going to. We all have our reasons, but you have more than most to want to destroy the titans." I noted. "You might as well."

Just then, I heard a siren. This was the one siren that we knew could only mean one thing, the Colossal Titan had broken through the gate. We had to get their ODM gear first. "YOU ALL HAVE MY PERMISSION TO GRAB MORE THAN TWO GAS TANKS, IT'S FIGHT OR DIE PEOPLE! ANY SOLDIER WHO ABANDONS THEIR POST WILL BE TRIED AND FOR EXECUTED HIGH TREASON!" The i

While most of the trainees were trembling, Peter, Klara, and I, Dakota were quick and were able to take two extra tanks of gas and took as many black blades as possible. (Black blades were the toughest, sharpest blades that were ideal for titan killing.)

When we got there, we went over the wall and observed the current situation. Most of the titans were in the 4-9 meter range, which were much easier to kill, but some were aberrant, or abnormal. Those titans were extremely hard to kill.

I was suddenly free. I could feel the breeze on my nose, the wind in my ears. I did a few sharp turns and tested myself by going through two windows, throwing two blades at a titan's eyes, saving a little girl in the process, kill the titan, and land on my feet all in seven seconds. Good I thought. I haven't lost my touch.

Out of nowhere, a huge abnormal titan was grinning at Peter. In it's mouth was the body of a Garrison member.

"I got this one guys!" Peter said. "Pete, NO!" I screamed. But it was too late. In the Smiling Titan's hands was Peter, screaming and punching. He had forgotten to replace his blades, so he might as well be hitting it with a rubber bat. "NO!!" Screamed Klara. Peter and Klara had just started going out and were very happy together.

The Smiling Titan then squeezed Peter and there was a huge explosion. I was blinded for a few seconds. What the heck was that? I thought. Standing where the Smiler's hand had been blown off, there was a 16 meter class titan. The Smiler's hand had already been fully healed by the time I could comprehend what was going on. Peter's a titan? I thought that was only in myths and fairy tales!? How can a human be a titan? I questioned internally.

I knew one thing was certain, I hated titans with a burning passion. If Peter can turn into a titan, maybe he can turn back. I thought. The titan's weak spot is at the back of the neck, so if he becomes dangerous, I'll just have to live with killing him. Then, I saw Klara's unconscious body on the ground, knocked out by the blast that Peter made while becoming a titan.

In just that instant, I was suddenly flying. WHAT! Peter just did that by stomping? I'm gonna end this. I thought. There were boulders literally flying everywhere. PETER! ATHESE YEARS YOU KEPT YOUR LIFE A SECRET.I'M GONNA KILL YOU! KLARA ALMOST DIED TRYING TO SAVE YOU AND NOW YOU'RE GONNA TURN INTO A TITAN?! I MAY BE ONE TOO, BUT I'M HIDING IT!

This was going to be a challenge. I'd have to fly through the boulders and kill him. Forget about Smiley and focus on the armored titan in front of me. Focus Dakota, you can't let him get away. Peter was running away. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!" I screamed. I hurled myself through the boulders and almost killed myself a couple times. I spun up his arm and put a blade through the left temple, released my blade so he wouldn't heal as fast. I twirled around the blind titan and blunted one blade prying off the huge scale on his neck. I took out two blades. See you in death. I thought.

Good, after this, I'll have ten blades left. I cut the back of the titan's neck and found Pete. Bye old friend. I cut his head off. I saved Klara just in time from the blaze of steam that came out of the dead titan.

At some point, I lost all gas. I had to kill some other trainees in HQ to get more. They were cowards, they would have died anyway. I was slightly disgusted by the fact that I didn't even care.

The rest of the Battle of Trost was a blur. I just killed titan after titan. They told me that I had 58 confirmed solo kills and 14 assists. That was just in this life. I was amazed. That was many times more titans than the average Survey Corps member gets in their whole lives. Technically, I had over 500 kills over the years, but I like to think with each life comes a fresh start. What is the point of it if it's so easy? What if all titans are actually humans? Did I just brutally slaughter over 70 innocent people? How many had families? How many were children, toddlers even? These were all questions that crossed my mind as I walked across the wall.

Life is cruel, we have to live with it. If we don't, we die. I'm lucky I was born strong. It's the natural system of things. Do we kill because we're scared? Am I a coward? My life has been a nightmare of death and he'll. Sometimes I wish I could just kill myself, but I've tried that forty times already.

These were the questions that nearly destroyed me until I got wonderful news. "Cadet Winters!" said my squad leader. (My last name that I made up when I came to enlist this time) "I have wonderful news! Every citizen of Trost is alive and accounted for." Well, that's a relief, at least i didn't cause another death. I thought to myself.

"It's time to choose the legion you'll be in for the rest of your life" Squad leader Jackson said. "It's been nice to work with you, but you need a rest. Join the MP's and enjoy a lifelong vacation. You've killed eighty-four titans. I heard from the officers that you have twelve more confirmed solos. Darn, you're like a prodigy or something." Great, another twelve people who've died by my blade. I thought.

Thanks for all the reads, please leave a comment and vote if you like it so far! By the way, this story is in journal form.

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