𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐚𝐫

Start from the beginning

Intimacy. It was a different type of intimacy she was used to sharing with him, the type of intimacy you would expect to have with your doting spouse after a long day of mundane activities. Although they had laid beside one another like this many times throughout their relationship, this time it was softer and focused on comforting silence. His hand raked through her hair calmly as her eyes drifted towards the high ceilings of her bedroom.

"Is there something the matter, dove?"

"I was just thinking about what the Dark Lord said earlier about how he never felt love and can never feel love. That has to be such a miserable existence, don't you think? I know love is the most cliché and complicated emotion the world has to offer but to not know what it's like to love and be loved?" Lucius listened intently, his eyes studying her as she continued her rambling. "To be unable to experience such raw human emotion, something humans need to thrive...it's heartbreaking. And he thinks of it as a weakness. The world is divided into lovers and fighters but one is not inherently stronger than the other," she whispered, leaning her head on his chest as his calloused fingertips entangled themselves familiarly in her flaming hair.

"I certainly used to believe that love was a weakness also. But then of course I married Narcissa, and then we had our son and I had never felt a love that intense before. Yes, it took me 26 long years before I realized it but love was not some elusive trick that had been hidden from me, rather had it been so close to my fingertips, taunting me until I finally had a reason to conquer it. While I will always be one of the fighters, Katherine, I will never diminish the part of myself that harbors devotion and passion," Lucius whispered in response.

"And me? What kind of love do you feel for me?"

"My dove, my love for you burns deeply. I know that today's events are something we should have discussed earlier, but when I was forced to torture you..." His voice trailed off as he had to take a moment to swallow and regain his thoughts, the man sitting up beside her. Katherine reached to take his free hand in hers, tracing her thumb on the back of his hand. "When I was forced to torture you, I was aware of what was happening yet I had no control of my body. All I could see was you writhing in pain and my heart shattered when I realized it was I who was causing it. And when the Dark Lord's control on me was broken I rushed to you because of how much I have grown to care for you. If it was anyone other than you I would not have felt an ounce of remorse."

She sat up from her position to join him, her hand still grasped in his. His eyes steadied on the bed below him as he avoided her piercing gaze before she moved her own hand to tilt his chin up.
"Lucius, I know. I understand completely. I just need you to know that I am not upset with you. In fact, right now all I want is for you to make me feel pleasure instead of pain..."
Before she could finish her sentence his lips were pressed against hers, his new and rough stubble scratching at her skin. His grip on the plushness of her hip tightened as their lips moved together in the familiar harmony that always made her a mess under his touch. Before she could snake her hand down to palm at his hardening length, he batted her hand away in protest.

"Shush my dove, I shall be the one to worship every inch of your perfect body tonight. Just relax and let me demonstrate to you how much I adore you," he purred into her mouth before pulling away from the passionate kiss. His soft lips pressed against the exposed skin of her neck, Katherine letting out a whimper as the light pressure left a bright purple mark for all to see. Making his way down the entirety of her neck before pulling his lips away, he glazed his eyes over her body before grabbing her by her hips pulling her towards him.

"Have I ever told you how absolutely beautiful you are?"

Lucius had always made her feel utmost comfort. He was a man who made her feel like the most stunning specimen in the world. Insecurities numbed when he was touching and kissing every stretch mark on her stomach, every dimple her thighs made, everything she had been told to cover and hide. She let out a meek whine as he slid his cold hands underneath her nightshirt, masterful fingers undoing the buttons before letting the satin fabric fall off her frame. He pressed a kiss to her now exposed collarbone, mumbling sweet nothings on the soft skin before moving his focus back to her reddened lips.

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