𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛

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You're in the wind, I'm in the water
Nobody's son, nobody's daughter
Watching the chemtrails over the country club

The overwhelming stress of the upcoming war clung to everyone in the manor like a leech draining every bit of energy and life. Lucius and Narcissa weren't on speaking terms (Katherine had unfortunately overheard a particularly heated argument that ended with Lucius sleeping in her bed that night). Katherine worried for Lucius and his seemingly crumbling marriage, not wanting to drive a wedge in between the couple or choose sides. She would begin her day listening to poor Narcissa's ramblings and end her day with particularly rough and heated sex with Lucius. Lucius didn't do much during the day, he would just sit weakly on his armchair, his wandless cane by his side as he drowned in his sorrow.

Their relationship was deteriorating as well, despite her comforting him earlier. Lucius was doing so well before he returned home to the darkness of the manor. But now he ignored her and her attempts at consolement. It was as if she only existed after the sun went down and he needed someone to ramble off to. The place he and Katherine used to roam freely about was transformed into a hub for Death Eaters. She could barely leave her room without running into Bellatrix or Dolohov or one of Voldemort's other minions. Though Snape, someone who she had considered barely a friend before he killed Dumbledore, made an appearance at the manor she never talked to him. Tensions were high, hateful words were being thrown around at a whim, and Katherine just wanted a day, an hour even, of peace and quiet.

The opportunity arose when a large barn owl flew into her bedroom one night, a fanciful envelope and a regular piece of parchment clasped in its beak. The bird fluttered aroud the dimly lit room for a moment before dropping both pieces of paper on her bed. Katherine picked up the note first, assuming the envelope was to be opened later.


Remember Bill Weasley from school? Well, he's getting married this weekend and I need a plus one. Care to join me? Send your reply back with the owl. Invitation attached.

Love, Victor.

Victor. She hadn't spoken to Victor since the night she snuck out to see him. Quickly opening the elaborately-wrapped envelope, she skimmed the details. August 1st 1997 at the Weasley family home. It seemed inappropriate to have a wedding in the middle of a wizarding war where people were dying every day. But it was a way for her to get out of Malfoy Manor for the say. She quickly grabbed a quill off of her desk to scribble in the 'yes' box on the invitation before passing it off to the owl. The challenge was going to be getting Lucius to let her go. He had such a burning hatred for the entire Weasley family, there was no way he was going to have his darling Katherine attend such an event.

As if he had a say in the matter.

Katherine found him, as usual, sitting in his armchair by the large living room windows that allowed for a small bit of sunlight to seep through. He seemed to always be exhausted, his eyes puffy from his nightly fights and the constant stress he was under. She approached him slowy, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. His eyes stayed staring directly in front of him, that blank stare he seemed to constantly have on his face. She almost felt guilty for wanting to leave for a night knowing how much he was struggling.

"Lucius, can I have a day off?"

Not bothering to look up at her, he spoke. "Katherine surely you know that we are past the point of you asking me for permission. What are you planning?" asked Lucius, his shimmering ring-clad fingers tapping on the armrest. Katherine had an excuse already planned, of course. No scheme was complete without a solid alibi.
"Oh, I was invited out for dinner this weekend. My friend from Greece is in town and she wanted to have a little catch up, that's all," she explained. Lucius just nodded, his hand waving slightly to dismiss her prescence.
"That's fine. Just don't do anything ridiculous and come home with all your limbs attached." Katherine could tell something was bothering him. Running her hands through his hair like she often did, she asked him what was wrong. Finally he looked at her breaking the ice cold gaze he had been holding.

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