𝐎𝐟𝐟 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬

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Light of my life, fire of my loins
Be a good baby, do what I want
Light of my life, fire of my loins
Gimme them gold coins, gimme them coins

Katherine awoke around 4:30 the next morning, sitting up and stretching for a few moments trying to wake herself up. She slept well and was grateful she did considering the ungodly time she had to be up. Her feet slid to the edge of the bed before she was hopping off and headed towards the bathroom. Slipping her robe on, she washed her face and brushed her teeth before brushing her hair out, using magic to curl it before putting it in an elaborate updo before walking out the bathroom to get changed. She was fussy about her appearance, especially since she was going to be spending the day with Lucius. On her bed was the dress and jewelry Abernathy had dropped off the night prior. She slid her robe off, letting it pool on the ground beneath her, the cold air of the room making her naked body shiver. She picked up the gorgeous dress in front of her, undoing the lace-up back before stepping into it, pulling the sleeves over her arms before reaching to do the corset on the back. She bit her lip, contorting her body before sighing, giving up on lacing it up herself. Holding the back of the dress closed with one hand, she walked over to the door and opened it slightly.

"Abernathy? Mrs. Malfoy? Can someone help me lace up my dress?" She yelled, glancing down the hallway. No one was coming from that direction. She sighed and leaned back to close the door before a hand stopped it from closing. "I'll help."

Katherine flipped her head around to see Lucius standing at the door beside her. She gasped as her hand flew to her chest. "Mr. Malfoy! You startled me." She mumbled, stepping aside to let Lucius into her room. He closed the door behind him as she turned around to allow him access to the back of the dress. He took the laces in his hands, slowly tugging on them before stopping suddenly. The dress still felt slightly loose around her torso. "Bend over on the vanity, it is not tied tight enough." He whispered, gently placing his hand on the nape of her neck to have her lean over slightly, her hands placed on the vanity to support herself as Lucius continued to tug on the delicate strings. His feet were on either side of hers as he was pressed against her. After a few moments, he finished, tying the remaining strings into a bow before moving his hand to wrap gently around Katherine's neck, pulling her up to him. Katherine's eyes met the mirror and her breath hitched as she stared at the reflection. Lucius stood tall behind her, his hand resting ever so slightly on her neck, his rings glistening in the dim light of the room.

God, she was turned on.

Lucius met her eyes in the mirror before he turned his head, his hand dropping from her neck as he shifted to grab the diamond choker from the vanity. "Here, let me put my gift on you." He said, slightly breathless as he undid the clasp. His hand went to her shoulder, giving it a small rub before placing the cold metal against her neck. After he did the clasp up, he pressed a small kiss to the nape of her neck before stepping away. "Ravishing." He almost mumbled to himself.

Still, in her dazed stupor, Katherine turned to face him and gazed into his eyes dreamily. Her mind wandered for a second, wondering what it would be like for him to kiss her right there like she so desperately wanted. Her eyes met his lips, focusing on them for a second before meeting his eyes again. Lucius leaned down, his face so so so fucking close to hers. Katherine's heart leaped before her eyes started to flutter closed before Lucius laughed. "Finish getting ready and meet me and Draco downstairs. We have to head to the World Cup soon and we're taking a Portkey to the campsite since Draco can't apparate yet." He smirked before pulling away abruptly, leaving Katherine to stand there foolishly. She nodded as Lucius left, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Katherine walked downstairs after a few moments, floating like she was in another world. One day and this man, who, again, she knew for one day, had completely infatuated her. She wished she and Lucius discussed the matters of her stay more. Was it "professional" or would he finally give in and just fuck her. As she turned the corner of the staircase, Draco stepped in front of her. "Good morning, Draco." Katherine smiled, stepping to pass him. He blocked her, staring directly into her eyes. What a petty, brat-like child he was. "I don't know what you're playing at but I know what you're here for. You're going to take all of my money, aren't you? Use the generosity of my father to your advantage, huh? I won't have it. I'll find a way to get rid of you." He hissed at her. Taken aback, Katherine glared at the teenage boy in front of her.

"Draco, you will not talk to an adult like that. I know your father taught you better. I'm here for the reason your father asked to be here and I'll be receiving what he offered me. Now if you excuse me we have a Quidditch match to attend." She said pushing herself around him. Lucius was sitting at the long kitchen table, Abernathy clearing the plates and breakfast dishes off of it. He smiled as Katherine stepped into the dining room, standing beside his chair. "Ah, you're ready. Now, Draco, let's move along. We can't afford to be late."

A few hours later, Katherine and the Malfoys arrived at a lavish tent on the outskirts of the campsite. It was made of emerald satin, with two marble snake statues guarding the front. While it was of reasonable size on the outside, the inside was even more incredible. It looked more like a luxury hotel than a feeble tent, with two separate bedrooms, a hot tub, and a dining room table. Katherine was in awe. Her family had been wealthy, yes, but not this rich.

Lucius followed her and Draco into the tent, Abernathy following with the luggage. "Draco, that room to the left is yours. Miss Farrington, if you don't mind taking the right bedroom. I'm afraid we do have to share a bed unless you want to sleep on the floor with Abernathy. The bed is big enough for the two of us to sleep comfortably though. " He winked.

Katherine nodded, glancing towards the bedroom. The bed was huge and there was definitely room for them to sleep apart. Abernathy moved to set their things down. Lucius stood behind Katherine, pressing a hand on her shoulder which sent chills up her back. "This place is gorgeous, Mr. Malfoy." She said softly. Lucius just stared at the back of her neck, breathing softly before moving his other hand to trace up and down her spine. "Not as gorgeous as you look tonight, darling." He whispered.

She stiffened and turned around to face him. "Mr. Malfoy, with all due respect, what is the nature of our relationship allowed to be?" She inquired. Lucius just glanced at her before chuckling. "My dear, that is all up to you. We can be strictly professional if my advances made you uncomfortable, and of course, in front of the rest of the family, we do need to keep a level of...correctness. But when the sun goes to rest and we're all alone...nothing is off the table."

Katherine bit her lip just as Draco came out of his room, dressed in his suit. "Come on then, the match is going to start soon." He said as he rolled his eyes. Lucius nodded, stepping away from Katherine. "Let's get on then, we have seats in the minister's box." He said, beckoning for Katherine and Draco to follow. Katherine exited the tent, not holding the door for Draco on her way out.

God, I'm so crazy, baby
I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving
I'm your little harlot, starlet, Queen of Coney Island

𝐎𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 | | 𝕝𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕦𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕠𝕪Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя