I wait for about twenty minutes after Hadaza got taken back before her doctor comes out and over to me. I see her face and know that Hadaza did have a miscarriage. "She did have a miscarriage. I am so sorry James. Do you want to see her?" She asks me. "Yes." I say nodding and head back with her and to the room my wife was in. Before I go in I turn to her doctor to ask an important question. "Since this is her first miscarriage does that decrease the chance of get pregnant again?" I ask. "It doesn't decrease her chances it just makes it a bit harder for her to conceive and gives her a slightly higher chance of having another miscarriage or going into labor early when she gets pregnant. Whenever you are ready you two can go home." She says letting me go in. I go in and my heart instantly drops seeing my wife sitting there sobbing into her hands. "Oh love. Come here." I say pulling her into my arms and hold her letting her cry. "I-I a-am s-so s-sorry J-James." She says between tears and holds me. "Shhhhhh love don't be sorry. It was not your fault. You did nothing wrong." I say calming her down and reassuring her to make sure that I'm am not mad and this is not her fault. She calms down and dries her eyes and looks at me. "Ready to go home?" I ask stroking her hair gently and look at her. "Yeah." She says nodding. I nod and leave with her texting my mother telling her what happened and to not discuss it yet. "I'm sorry your birthday started off bad but it can turn it around." I say as we get into the car. "Yeah we can I guess." She says shrugging sitting down. I sigh shutting the door on her side then climb in on my side and drive home.

We arrive home and head inside which caused Hadaza to be greeted by a surprise birthday party to cheer her up. "Happy birthday love." I say kissing her cheek softly. "Happy birthday dear." My mom says hugging her gently. "Thank you for everything guys." She says happily and hugs everyone then picks up our daughter. "Now I say lets go and open presents." I say happily heading to the kitchen with everyone and hold my wives waist gently as we walk to where I have all the presents waiting for her. "Ok Hadaza what gifts do you wanna open first?" My brother asks once she was sat down and situated Autumn on her lap. "Oliver don't pressure the poor thing." I say rubbing her back. "Well since you talked me into it. I think I'll open my parents gifts first." She says teasing him and grabs my parents present and opens them. Oliver pouts playfully and watches her open the gifts. "Wow thanks guys. This is amazing thank you." She says smiling at the gifts. "Your welcome darling." My mother says smiling and helps put her gifts that she opened then goes to open the presents that Oliver and Katy got her which she smiles and puts them with her other gifts. "Now it's time for you to open mine and autumns gifts love. "You guys didn't have to get me any gifts. You guys being my family is enough." She says smiling as I take Autumn from her. "We know dear but you deserve some. I just noticed your necklace. When did you get that?" My mother asks. "Oh I got this two months ago from James. It has the date and time Autumn was born written on her foot prints." She says gently touching the necklace. "It's beautiful. You did a great job son." My mother say patting my arm gently and takes Autumn.

"Thanks mom." I say smiling and watch my wife open her gifts from me and Autumn. "James these are amazing. Thank you so much I love them." She says smiling at her gifts I gave her. "Your welcome. The last gift was from myself and Autumn." I say kissing her. She smiles and kisses back. "Now whos hungry?" My mom asks as we both pull away. "I'm starving." My wife says putting her gifts off to the side and out of the way of the table. "Good. Katy wanna come help me." She says smiling. "Sure." She says handing Fred to Oliver while I take Autumn from my mother and hold her. My brother, nephews, daughter, my dad, myself and my wife sit and get the table ready for food. "I decided to make your favorite food. So I hope you enjoy." My mom says setting the food on the table. "Thank you." My wife says happily and sits. "Your welcome. Now eat up." She says smiling as all of us grab some food.

I set autumn in her high chair and get her food then her mine and my wife's food. "This is good mom." I say eating it. Autumn eats her food happily enjoying her food getting it over her face. "Autumn can you at least keep most of your food in your mouth please." My wife asks and cleans her up. Autumn just smiles and giggles eating again this time putting her food in her mouth. I sigh and roll my eyes eating and rub my wives side gently. We all eat and talk enjoying the company of each other and laugh at our kids and their personalities.

James Phelps love storyWhere stories live. Discover now