But he didn't smile like I was hoping he would. He still held a cold expression. He looked at it for a moment, then looked back to me, "I don't want it."

I dropped my hand down and shook my head, slightly confused, "What do you mean you don't want it?" I asked in a hurt tone. "Did I do something wrong?"

He backed away from me, "I just don't think we should be friends, sorry." He turned around and tried to leave but I grabbed his arm again.

I looked at him with a heart broken expression, I don't understand what's happening. Just this morning we were laughing together over breakfast. How did things change so quickly, "Why; what did I do?" Tears started to form in my eyes.

He snorted through his nose as he looked away from me, "Nothing (y/n). Just go away." He snapped and pulled his arm from my grip roughly before walking away.

Leaving me there in the hallway with tears streaming down my cheeks, wondering what the hell went wrong.
Flashback ends

That was the day it all started and I still don't know why. Instead of responding to Obi-Wans question, Anakin sighed, "How much longer do we have?"

His master stood up and checked the time, "Thirty minutes."

"Son of a bitch." We both snapped simultaneously.


Anakin and I silently walked to our rooms, both of us exhausted. I had to take a shower too, since there was still food in my hair, same goes for him. They didn't exactly give us the chance to clean up before torturing us. They practically pulled us out of there by our ears.

I reached my door and it slid open, but I didn't go in, "Anakin." I got his attention and he turned to look at me, our eyes meeting, "You're not ever gonna tell me what happened that day are you?" I asked with no hate or malice in my tone. I was genuinely curious as to why he threw seven years of friendship down the drain, to replace it with this.

He didn't respond for a moment, like he was lost in a thought, "No." He shook his head and went into his room without another word. I sighed and stepped into my room, closing the door behind me.

I took my clothes off and hopped in my shower, washing off all the food from my hair and cheeks. Suddenly my bathroom light shut off, what the? "Hello?" I called as I moved my curtain, I waved my hand and turned the light back on. Maybe it's just a short fuse, wouldn't be the first time. I began to bring my head back into the shower when it turned off again. I stuck my head out quickly and turned it back on. I stared out for another moment before sighing and deciding to just leave it. Short fuse; I kept telling myself. I continued with my shower, when it happened again. Okay what the fuck, "Skywalker if that's you, I'm going to kill you." I growled as I shut the water off. I got out cautiously since it was dark and turned my light back on. I wrapped a towel around myself and I stuck my head out into my main room, only to find it empty.

Okay my light was not shutting off on its own, I marched next door in anger and banged on his door. He opened it, "Wha-Oh." He eyed me up and down in surprise, only now did I just realize I was still in a towel, I probably should have put clothes on first. Oh well, too late now.

"What kind of game are you playing here?" I snapped and his face grew confused.

He shook his head as he furrowed his brows, "What are you talking about?"

I tilted my head, "Seriously; with the light? You're the only person I know who's immature enough to do that."

He didn't even look mad, he looked genuinely confused, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

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