"Congratulations again Ms. Copeland and good luck with your love auditions."

"Thank you."

Going directly to my emails, there it was. Reading the letter, I was just in awe. Though this wasn't the official thing, but to see that I made it this far after trying two times before, it meant a lot.

"Congratulations baybeh." Aug spoke.

For a moment I had completely forgotten he was here and where I was. Looking around at the room, then at him, his facial expression changed from the look on my face.

"Don't ma. Don't do it." He came over to me and hugged me instantly.

"How am I going to prepare for this?" I questioned. My feature alone takes six weeks to heal."

"You'll be fine baybeh. I trust that. Just don't start second guessing it now."

"Babe I have to do a solo piece."

"And you will love. You're strong, ya gonna heal in a one and my baybeh gonna show em what they been missing all this time."

"You really think I can do it?"

"Nah, Ion think ya can. I know ya can. Misty you are fucking talented and whether you are qualified on paper or not, you would be amazing in life. Ya already doing that."

"Thank you so much." I kissed him.

Making myself comfortable in his arms, I showed him the letter when there was a knock on my door. Putting our attention on it, Jay came in with my favorite flowers.

"Hey." He said to me. "Wassup man." He gave Aug a head nod.

"I'm cool. I'll give y'all some privacy." Aug said getting up. "Ya need anything?" He asked me.

"Something to eat."


Kissing me, he got his phone then left. Leaning against the window frame, Jay stood there quietly.

"I know you're mad." I spoke.

"I'm past mad Misty. This shit ain't cool."

"I know and I don't want you to do anything stupid."

"You know I'm not just going to sit and do nothing Misty. You're my best friend, putting everything aside and I'm not going to let this slide."

Knowing just like I couldn't stop August from doing something, its the same with Jay. Its only now a matter of who will get to who first.

"I know the police already questioned you, but I need you to tell me if you remember anything specific."

"It was three of them. The one who snatched me and two others were waiting between building two and three."

"Okay. Anything else?"

Remembering, I honestly didn't want to say because I wasn't sure if he would believe me.

"Misty, what did you remember? I know that look on your face so tell me."

"The one who snatched me. I think it was Dwayne."

"Dwayne? As in Dest's godfather?"

"Yes." I looked at my hands.

"Are you sure?"

"He hand the scar on his lip Jay. I recognize that scar anywhere."

Sitting on the chair where Aug sat, he sighed frustrated. Dwayne and him been boys way before me. He got that scar on his lip, saving Jay from a pit bull that had gotten loose and Jay was forever grateful.

Him being Destiny's Godfather and all of that is major, so to find out that he was the one who attacked me I knew it would hurt him.

"You know what? Maybe I was just seeing things." I tried to retract my initial statement.

"Don't lie to me because you know he's my boy. I know you wouldn't accuse someone just like that unless you're certain. I'll get down to the bottom of this." He stood up. "Get some rest." He kissed me on temple.

"Jay?" I called as he was walking off.

"He was going to do it." I looked at him with tears. "If those shots hadn't rang out, he would have. The way he looked me in my eyes when he was touching on me I knew."

"You told anyone this?"

"No." I shook my head, as I wiped my face.

"Aight. You plan on telling Aug?"

"Yes. We don't keep secrets. I just wanted to tell you first."

"Okay well I'll deal with it."

When he left, I laid back and exhaled. my mind was racing at this point. It was too much happening and it was coming at me fast.

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