"So I overheard a little. Your dad is visiting this weekend? I swear I wasn't ease dropping, just didn't want to interrupt."

I nod my head " it's fine, not a secret or anything. Sorry if I woke you....I didn't know you were here."

He gives me another one of his drop dead gorgeous smiles. "We had a late practice then came back here to relax in the pool. I was tired so I just stayed in the spare room" he says, explaining my unanswered question. It's a perfectly normal reason but something in his tone sounds sad making me feel like there is more to it. "....And, you didn't wake me, I've been up for awhile."

He looks troubled for a minute before it disappears, his confident smile returns. Shrugging his shoulders, "Couldn't sleep....Kent snores like a train, seriously I can hear him through the wall".

I laugh, causing the most unattractive snort sound, I look down and place my hand over my mouth and nose in embarrassment. A warm hand covers my own, gently pulling it down.

"Hey" he says I still don't look up til I feel small circles being rubbed on the back of my hand. Looking up he smile "you have a cute laugh, don't cover it". I smile when he adds "plus the snort sounded like a baby pig, and who doesn't love those".

I look up in horror and I can feel my cheeks start to warm in embarrassment but he starts laughing. I pull my hand from his and swat his shoulder, "And I thought you were nice".

"Oh wow, I'm gonna have to look out for you if you think I'm nice."

I give him a puzzled look. He stops laughing, and his hand touches my cheek causing me to stop breathing. He gives me a sad smile and tucks a wild hair behind my ear, "I can honestly say I've never been described as nice". His voice is serious and my eyes draw to his lips.

Henry is so attractive and nice, no matter what he thinks, but I've seen him around school with his beautiful girlfriend. I don't want to make a fool of myself by crushing on my older brothers friend.
I want to break this weird tension so I say the first thing I can't think of.

"What do you call a pig that does karate?"

Confusion crosses his face before he answer "umm not sure"

"Pork chop" I say deadpanned. We both start laughing again, I snort which makes him mimic me.

"What's so funny?" We both turn and see Sean in the doorway. I jump up and rush to Sean, giving him a big hug. He's been out of town for almost a week and I was surprised to find I missed him.

A moment passes before he returns my hug, wrapping his arms around me. He rubs my back, asking "What's this for?"

"Nothing really, I just missed you". We pull away and he smiles at me before turning his attention to Henry "Hey man". Henry responds by giving a manly head nod, before continuing to drink his coffee. Sean is looking back and forth between us almost accusingly "so..."

I interrupt pointing a finger at Henry "He called me a pig". Sam turns towards Henry, he face looks like a deer caught in headlights. "Hey" he put his coffee down holding his hand out to Sean "that not what I meant". He's talking to Sean but I see his eyes shift to me. I fake hurt before sending a quick wink at him.

It's taking everything I have not to laugh at the look on his face. Sean interrupts our stare off "hmm he must have heard your laugh" I didn't realize he was right beside me and before I know what's happening he is tickling my sides.

I try to move away but Sean's got his arms around me, so I do the next best thing. I drop to the ground to block my side, I'm laughing so hard and a snort comes out. Sean pause for a moment and both guys start laughing. I do my best to sound angry "ha ha ha, now help me up you ogre".

"Ogre huh.."

He starts tickling me again, mercilessly, I'm a mix of laughing, crying, and trying not to pee on myself.
"Ok ok ok please I can't take it I say between laughs".

Thankfully that does it and Sean stops, I lay there for a minute catching my breath, Sean offers me his hand pulling me to my feet.
I turn away faking hurt, I can hear Sean moving around when I'm presented with a fresh cup of hot coffee. "Peace offering" he says.

I take the coffee, sipping on it before I look up and smile. Remembering the weekend I ask "Can you drive me to the grocery after school today? I wanted to get a few things for this weekend".

Sean's nods "Ya that should be ok. You need me to do anything". I shakes my head no. I had offered the spare bedroom to dad but he declined getting a hotel room about 10 minutes away for him and the girls. I was a little disappointed but can't blame him. Even though David is conveniently out of town this weekend it would be weird for him to stay in his house.

"Crap...I forgot I have a meeting this afternoon. I will get Kent to take you" Sean says.

I let a little groan slip out, causing both guys to turn to me. "Kent has plans I already asked him, if you make him he will hate me even more."

"Let me see if I can change my meeting" Sean says. But he is frowning. I feel bad for making him feel guilty.

"No, No don't do that, I will see if Casey or Ben can take me."

"I can take you after practice" Henry says. We both turn to him" it's no big deal I have to pick up a few things too."

I'm about to tell him he doesn't have to do that when Sean says "great problem solved".

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