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Sleep did not come easy last night and I woke up early to talk to dad and get answers. As I walked in the kitchen I saw him sitting at the table and it looked like he had never gone to sleep. I noticed he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday. His hair was in all direction proving he has been running his hands through it. This was dads tell he was stressed.
I walked farther into the room noticing all the papers spread across the table.

"Morning dad" I said to make myself known.

He jumped a little and turned toward me "your up early".

I took in his red eyes and the rest of his appearance. "I'm up early but your up late". I said pointedly toward him.
He smiled, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"I'll make us some coffee. I was hoping to talk to you about yesterday." Dad grunts as I get to work on the coffee.

The coffee finishes brewing and I bring two cups to the table one for him and the other for me. We sit in silence for a time just sipping our coffee.

Dad breaks the silence, "Do you know how much I love you? I know I wasn't there when you were born but you are my daughter".

I look up to his face and can see the sincerity in what he says. I also notice now that his red eyes aren't just from being tired but I can tell at some point he had cried.

I place my hand on his, "I know, I've never thought of you as anything less than my dad. I love you too, your the best dad ever".

Silence descends again, whatever he is trying to say I can tell is hard for him. I look at the paper in front of him and see my birth certificate. I slide it towards me seeing my name and birthday:
Joy Montgomery Waylon
August 1st
Mother: Carolyn Montgomery
Father: David Waylon Sr.

I smile for a minute thinking about how I will be 15 in 3 days. So much has changed in a year, mom would have already been making me try cake samples, picking out a birthday outfit, hinting at my gift( if she hadn't already given it to me). She could never keep a birthday gift hidden too long. As soon as she bought it she would be to excited and give it to us.

My dad makes a sound, I turn my attention back to him. "The man that was here last night, that was David". I'm confused at first but he looks pointedly at my birth certificate.

My heart beat quickens and my eyes widen in realization of who the man was. My mind is going so fast with different questions I can't even pick one to ask, but one memory surfaces:

I am 8 years old and waiting for my dad to pick me up from ballet class. Usually mom came with me but the doctor had made her stay in bed so my sister doesn't come out of her belly too soon. Kate's mom had dropped us off and dad was suppose to pick us up.

He should have been here by now and when I look around I see my dad by the front door but Ms. Beatrice, our instructor is stopping him from coming any farther.

I stand up and walk their way overhearing their argument.

" I'm sorry sir but your not on the pick up list."

" My wife didn't think to put me on the list because I'm her dad. Could you look at the registration papers or the check we paid with, my names on it." He says clearly a little frustrated.

"How are we to know that your her father, your ID has a different last name listed" Ms. Beatrice said pointedly.
Dad takes a deep breath, trying to not loose his temper " I'm her step-dad, just please call my wife or look at her file".

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