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Katherine's P.O.V.

Today's the day of the movie and I couldn't be more excited. Miguel and Aisha texted me and wanted to join us. I can't wait for everyone to have a good time. The movie we're going to see is some new horror flick. I showered and looked at my wardrobe. 

I looked over at a green dress. Meh, I don't think so. Geez, what am I going to wear? My eyes peaked over at a black crop top. "Ah-ha!" I let out. I grabbed the top and put it on, followed up by blue ripped skinny jeans and then shoes. I put my long brunette hair into a high ponytail and then did my makeup.

"Muwah!" I gave a kiss to myself in the mirror and headed out. "Bye mom, bye dad I'm going to the movies," I called out as I went outside to my car. I turned the car on and my favorite song began playing. I jammed out to Dreams by The Cranberries and sang along.

"Eeeep," I let out an excited squeak as I pulled up to the theatre. I skipped to the cashier and bought my ticket. While walking inside I found Aisha, Miguel, and Demi. "Hey, guys!" I said as I gave each of them a hug.

"Hey, Kat you look good today," Aisha said. "Thanks, girly so do you," I replied. "Thank you for inviting me again Kit-Kat, I really appreciate the social inclusion," Demi said. "Awe, anytime Demi. You're one of my closest friends," I said as I pulled him into a hug.

Hawk's P.O.V.

Damn, I'm almost late. I tapped my foot as the cashier lady took forever. When she handed me my ticket I snatched it and rushed into the lobby only to find a horrific sight.

I watched as Kat pulled Demetri into a hug. "Awe, anytime Demi. You're one of my closest friends," She said to him.  Anger drowned inside of me and I let out, "Ah-hem." Kat instantly turned around and rushed me into a hug.

As Kat hugged me I looked right at Demetri and glared at him. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her hard. She was taken back a bit, but after I smirked at Demetri. In return, he gave me an eye roll.

"Come on, you two can swallow each other later. We're going to be late," Aisha said and Kat let out a giggle. I wrapped my arm around Kat's shoulder as we walked to our movie room. Miguel sat down first, followed by Aisha, then me, next was Kat, and then finally Demetri.

 Miguel sat down first, followed by Aisha, then me, next was Kat, and then finally Demetri

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Katherine's P.O.V.

"Miguel is everything okay?" I asked in concern as Miguel had a sad expression. "I can't stop thinking about what Sensei told me about Sam's dad," Miguel replied. "So Sensei and Sam's dad have some beef. What does that have to with you," Aisha added. 

Miguel looked at us dumbfounded. "Do I have to spell it out for you? Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai. I'm apart of Cobra Kai, so by the transit of properties Sam's dad is going to hate me," Miguel added. "Jesus Christ you're such a nerd," Eli said.

I looked at him a little offended and confused. He does realize I'm gladly one too and so is Demi. He shrugged it off and placed his arm around me. "I'm telling you it's not just on my mind. Sam was acting weird the other day when her dad walked by." Miguel said.

"Listen I've known Mr. LaRusso since third grade. He's a really nice guy you just have to talk to him," Aisha said. "Aisha is right Miguel, you're probably just overthinking it," I added. "I haven't even been invited over yet. She's probably too afraid to introduce me," Miguel said in sadness. 

I gave Miguel a light-hearted smile and we began to focus back on the movie. A jump scare popped up on the screen and I jumped back. Eli let out a small laugh and Demi leaned over and whispered something to me. 

"Don't worry it's probably just some scrawny guy under that costume you'd be able to kick to the ground," I instantly began laughing at Demi's comment and Eli removed his arm from my shoulder.  I gave him a look and he rolled his eyes eating popcorn.

What even is his problem Demetri was his best friend, I'm trying to help all of us stay close. Whatever if he wants to be like that fine. I got up from my seat and moved to the seat on Demi's right crossing my arms. Eli looked over to me with a pissed-off-confused expression and I rolled my eyes back at him.

"Is everything alright with you two?" Demi asked. "Who told you to speak?" Eli said. "Calm down Eli," I said in annoyance. Eli gave me a look and opened up his milk duds. He started to throw them at a girl a couple of rows ahead of us.

I remember Miguel told me Sensei use to do that when he was trying to flirt with girls. My heart sank and Miguel started talking about Sam again. "Dude just go over there its an alpha move," Eli said.

I couldn't take it anymore and leaned forward and whispered, "What else is an alpha move Hawk? Trying to flirt with random girls in front of yours because you're pissed off I invited our friend to tag along?" I said as I jolted up out of my seat and rushed to the lobby.

I stood to the side and hugged my body. Why is Eli even being like this? It's not like him, not like the Eli I know. "Hey, are you okay?" Someone asked behind me. I turned around to see Aisha. "No I'm not, Eli doesn't act like this," I said.

She gave me a half-smile and said, "I don't know what's going on with him either. Don't think about it too much I'm sure everything is going to be okay." I nodded at her and she rubbed my back.

Demetri turned the corner and walked up to us. "Hey Kit-Kat I'm sorry my presence is causing so much unwanted drama," Demi said as he looked down. "I'm going to get back to the guys. I'll leave you two to talk," Aisha said. "Thanks, Aisha," I replied and she nodded heading back inside the movie room.

"Look it's not your fault. I don't know what's been going on with Eli lately." I said. "Maybe it's best I just go," Demi said and I sighed. "We're all supposed to be friends, even if Eli isn't thinking that way anymore I'm not going to throw you out of my life just because he has his mohawk in a twist," I said.

Demi let out a small laugh as did I. "I'm going to call my mom to come pick me up," Demi said. "No, let me drive you home. It's the least I can do, plus my movie mood is ruined anyway," I offered. "Alright thanks, Kit-Kat," Demi said as we walked out to my car.

The car ride was short and awkward until we reached Demi's house. "And off you go," I said as I pulled into Demi's driveway. "Thanks and uh, I'll see you later," He said. "Sure thing," I replied and looked down at my phone as I got a text.

Eli: Where the hell are you?!

Kat: I took Demi home.

Eli: Figures you'd be with him.

I let out an annoyed huff. Who does Eli think he is?

Kat: Figures you'd flirt with random girls because you're pissed off I invited OUR friend to the movies. Besides Aisha and Miguel tagged along why couldn't Demi?

Eli: Whatever go be with that nerd. I'll stay here with the other girls.

Kat: Well I hope they make you very happy.

I locked my phone and threw it in the passenger seat and backed out of Demi's driveway. I headed straight home and downed a sleeping pill and shut my eyes.

𝔽𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜'𝕤 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕥 (OC x Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz)Where stories live. Discover now