Sudden Changes (Chapter 3)

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(If you are in Undertale fandom, you have to know that reference) 


As I finished listening to Chara's story, I was taken aback. Someone who could get me, someone who actually showed me sympathy. When I thought everything was going to be ok, someone grabbed me by the throat. (Play Music) "WHAT DID WE TALK ABOUT (Y/N), HUH?!?!?!" the leader yelled, punching me to a bloody pulp. "YOU'VE TAINTED HIM/HER JUST BE LIKE YOU!!! WORTHLESS!!! LUCKY, WE CAN SAVE HIM/HER UNLIKE YOU!" He yelled, spiting beside me.  "Chara, please just go with them....nothing good comes from ever hanging out with me..." I said, trailing off. The last thing I saw was Chara's right eye glowing crimson. 

Chara POV

They.....beat (Y/N) to a pulp. The one person that understood me....the one person I could talk to without being called crazy......beaten to a bloody pulp. "I"m going to murder you." I said, making a creepy smile. "Oh come, don't be like. (Y/N) is a piece of trash that needs to be taught its place." He said. That was crossing the line. I summoned my knives and slashed him over and over but I left him at 1 HP. "Now, listen to me, you will stay away from me and (Y/N), and call off the club." I said, staring right in his eyes. He was scared to death and when I let go of him, he ran off into the distance. I picked up (Y/N) and took him back to my house. I got ambushed by Asriel. "OH MY GOD CHARA! IS THAT A HUMAN? WHY IS IT HURT!?!!??! DID YOU DO IT?!?!" Asriel said, with tears in his eyes. I also had tears in my eyes and said, "This is (Y/N) and he/she was beaten to a pulp by a leader of a club that was dedicated to making fun of him." I said, almost crying. (End Music) 

(Le TimeSkip 2 days later)

3rd POV

As (Y/N), he/she was awoken to the sight of Chara. "Are you ok?" She asked, hugging (Y/N). "Yeah, just a little sore everywhere." (Y/N) said. Chara lets go and sighs. "You know, I'm kinda hungry right now. I could use a little something to eat." Chara said, patting her stomach. (Y/N) smiled, not a forced one, but a genuine smile. "So what would you like to eat?" (Y/N) said. "How about a burger, that be nice." Chara said. "Alright then, let's go." You said, only to fall face flat. "Wow, there! You can't walk just yet. Here!" Chara said, picking you up bridal style. This caused you to blush a little bit. "I can take care of myself." You said, trying to escape his/her iron grasp. "Heh, nice try, (Y/N), but you can't escape me." He/she said, playfully. He/She carried you all the way to Grillby's . He/She kicked down the door and yelled, "Yo, Grillbz, I've gotta new customer!" Chara yelled, carrying you in. "Jeez, Chara. Do you have to be this loud?" A flaming monster came out talking to Chara. "Sorry Grillbz....." Chara said, rubbing her head. It's gonna be a long day.......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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