I mean if she's fine with Liam being one of the best money launderers around and also being part of a gang and also having killed people then fine, but she better not try and fucking change him.

"She knows everything Harry, I told her about the gang and she's fine with it. When I say she knows everything she does, she knows we're criminals but she knows we're the good kind." Adds Liam, wandering back to sir next to Josie on his couch whilst I'm still stood leaning against the wall with a shocked look on my face.

I'd he stupid? He can't just tell some random girl he decides to call his girlfriend everything about us, that's literally rule fucking one.

"Well we'll discuss that later but for now...Josie this is a private-"

"If this is about Harlow then just say it, I'm not judging." She interrupts, taking me by surprise whilst Liam just looked impressed.

He told her everything, huh?

Great, thanks a lot Liam.

Why is she getting so ballsy and brave? I'll literally have her out the whole goddamn city if she says something like that again, never mind just Liams house.

"Josie knows Harlow, she used to work at her club and she works in a bank now, don't you babe?"

Oh fuck me, I'm gonna be sick.

Babe, gross.

He's not only got a girlfriend, but he's got a girlfriend who works in a bank, the irony.

Liam mate, you're a fucking money launderer. This is not gonna end well and even the man who hasn't ever had a girlfriend can see that.

"How'd you think he pulled that thing with the bank off last week?" Josie adds with a smirk.

No. Fucking. Way.

She helped him? What well-minded human being would help him? She's in shit now too and I'll rat her out if she tests me, I don't care who she is to Liam.

Whatever, we'll deal with it later. I'm about to explode with the mess going on inside my head right now, not in a good headspace to deal with whatever this is.

Reluctantly I decided to join them and sit opposite them on one of Liam's chairs I pulled from his table. I can feel the judgement from her already, miss 'I'm not judging.'. That's what they all say, then proceed to glare at me like I'm the only criminal in the room and I mean technically Josie helping Liam with his little stunt makes her just as bad.

"I stayed in the spare room, woke up to her playing piano, she's a cat lady, she has freckles and she has good music taste." I groan, running a hand through my hair to which Liam chuckles.

It's not funny, Liam. Not even your judgemental criminal girlfriend is laughing and she's supposed to be my enemy right now.

"So she is actually the woman of your dreams then?" He smirks.

Two years prior.

"Imagine us when we're married with kids, we won't be able to do this anymore." Exclaims Niall, throwing a shot back, followed by another and a cough because clearly, he can't handle the burn.

"Yeah, you guys have fun living that life." I scoff, mocking Nialls stupid ideas of marriage and children.

I don't understand the big fuss with the traditional way of life. Go to school, go to college, get a boring 9-5 job, meet a girl, buy a big suburban house, get married, have kids, retire and then die. Where's the excitement?

Nothing about how we do life is traditional, we're all criminals so good luck to all of them finding a girlfriend, never mind a wife.

"You say that but I bet you'll be the first one to get married. Just for the sake of being that guy."  Laughs Zayn, wrongly.

"You won't catch me even liking a girl unless  she's an intelligent, confident woman who listens to real music, isn't a blonde bimbo, knows how to play some sort of instrument, won't take shit from people like you guys, won't kill my cats like you did, Louis, she's a borderline hippy but not an annoying in your face one, isn't boring as fuck, likes real films that aren't just Alvin and The Chipmunks. and has an actual personality." I tell them, fully aware that it's never going to happen.

High standards? Yes, because I do not want to get married. The higher the standards I set, the less likely I am to succeed in finding someone to meet them.

"No, she's not the girl of my fucking dreams why would you say that? That's disgustingly-"

"She's a sweet girl Harry, a pretty one too. Wouldn't harm you to take her on a real date no would it?" Josie interrupts once again.

Her interrupting me better not become a habit because I'm really forming mixed opinions of her and she doesn't want to be on my bad side, not at a time like this.

A real date? Absolutely not, I'd rather die. This is why I wanted to talk to Liam because girls are so annoying when it comes to this. Does she not realise I'm a prick? I don't do dates. I don't do love. I don't do girls unless it's me actually doing them.

"A real date," I scoff, rolling my eyes. "This is why I wanted you gone for this Josie. I don't know you but you're pissing me off, stay out of my fucking business."

I don't know why Liams looking at me like that, I don't care about who or what she is to him, if she's gonna be a nosey bitch then she can fuck off. He's still in my bad books for telling her whatever he did about Harlow, so he better wipe that look off his face.

"How was this morning? Last night?" He sighs, brushing off the fact I just had a go at the girl he call she's girlfriend because Liam knows better than to start shit with me.

"I was sick in a bucket whilst sat on her office floor, begged her not to take me home because I knew I'd do more drugs but I didn't tell her that. She took me to her place and gave me her spare room, I woke up to her playing some cool piano song, complimented her cat and almost called her pretty. I didn't like that that crossed my mind so I decided to just accuse her of only bringing me to her house because she wanted to sleep with me and then I left."

When I say it like that, it sounds bad, really bad.

I don't care though, if she's upset by that then it's not my problem. She knows I'm a dick and she still decided to be nice to me, that's on her.

"Well you're not gonna get anywhere like that are you?" Liam asks sarcastically.

Cute, he's showing off.

"I don't fucking want to get anywhere!" I shoot back, a little more angrily than anticipated.

I actually give up having this conversation, I'm better having it with myself in the mirror at home.

"Liam we'll talk later, you're being useless right-"

It's the sound of my phone vibrating in my pocket against the wooden chair that halts my words. I know for a fact it's not one of the other guys because they're pretty much nocturnal unless I actually wake them up, it's not gonna be Harlow, it's not gonna be anyone from the scrapyard and that's exactly why I'm so caught off guard.

The phone didn't ring for long and I didn't actually have time to answer it by the time it was in my hands. It was an unknown number, however judging by the text that followed it's definitely Daniel.

'King Street parking lot 2PM. No need for backup, it'll be just me.'

For fucks sake.

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