Chapter 2

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The second round of sex was much more romantic than the first, but it didn't make me forget that Kamar was hiding something from me.

"Do you know what he's hiding from us about the vampires?" I asked as I slid my shirt over my head. My black hair was still a little damp from the shower but I knew it would air dry fairly quick. Damarius was still in his towel as he sat on the edge of the bed. He didn't seem too concerned about getting dressed.

"Kamar is very secretive, especially when it comes to his dealings with people. I wouldn't worry too much about it. As much as he's put me through, I still trust him."

I gave a nod. "Sadly, I do too. Even if he goes about it completely the wrong way."

"That's how he's always been. But I think he's getting better."

I smiled. "Why aren't you getting dressed?"

"Incase you wanted more."

My eyes widened. "We just had sex- twice! I may have super healing and strength but Jesus. Your endurance is still much better than mine and the size of you still makes my body sore afterwards."

He gave a nod and started to get dressed. We had all started leaving a few extra clothes in Kamar's bedroom since that seemed to be where we ended up at when we had sex. I didn't mind it. It was one of the most beautiful rooms in the house, and I loved looking out his large glass windows to watch the snow fall onto the trees.

"Zarr will be here momentarily. May I escort you to the training room?" Damarius asked as he came to stand beside me with his arm held out. I smiled and slid my arm through it. 

         Zarr was emotionless like usual, unless he got irritated. I don't think I've ever seen him smile, and it made me wonder if he had a personal life outside of being a reaper. I wasn't sure if I wanted to take that chance at small talk, especially when last time he brought up sharing my soul with Kamar and Damarius. It was none of his business who I gave my soul too, and even if our deal was broken, Damarius knew I still wanted him to have it. But I was still curious about one thing...

"How come I don't turn into a skeleton in a black cloak like you?"

"Maybe because you don't focus on your lessons and you waste time asking silly questions instead of listening to my teachings."

I glared at him. His pale skin reminded me of a vampire, especially today with his black hair resting on his shoulders. He had on a black sweater and pants, giving off modern goth vibes if he had worn black eyeliner. I started heading to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"You're fired. What teacher can't answer a student's questions?" I slammed the door behind me and took in a few deep breaths when I reached the hallway. I didn't like him, and it frustrated me even more when I wasn't getting any answers. I was trying my best to make this new life work, but some people just didn't make it easy. I decided to head downstairs and go for a walk. The cold temperatures didn't bother me as much as it did when I was human, but I still put on a thick leather jacket with fur on the inside.

"Miss Solomon," a male voice said as I opened the front door and I turned around to see two guards heading my way. Neither one of them were dressed like the other guards with full body armor and a helmet, so I was able to study their faces. One of them had shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and was around 6 foot. The other had short brown hair, blue eyes, and was the same height as the other guy.

"Yes?" I answered suspiciously.

"Our King has ordered us to follow you to ensure your safety."

It didn't surprise me that Kamar was doing this, but it did make me realize how much that last incident worried him. I gave a nod. "I was just going for a walk. Come join me," I smiled, and we headed out the door. I wasn't really sure if I was supposed to talk to them or not because I didn't see Kamar having small talk with any of his guards. But he was a dick to say the least, and I couldn't help but want to seem a little normal.

The Reaper (Book 3 of the Vanessa Solomon Series)Where stories live. Discover now