''Uh thanks I guess.''I said as I opened the stall and walked my horse out grabbing my sattle. And Sattling her up.I tried getting on when Jimmy hands touched my waist and he helped pull me on.I nodded with a big smile.

''Thanks,Cowboy.''I smiled as I road out of the barn.Jimmy walked back inside the bunkhouse.When Kayce parked in the drive way with his son Tate.Man did Tate look like him.

''Hey ,son can you go inside with Grandpa?''he asked Tate as he saw me on the horse.

''Yeah, dad but can I go to bed?''Tate asked him.

''Yeah sure, son.''he smiled.

''Night dad.''Tate said as he ran in the house with John behind him.

''Night son.''He whispered.

We stood there in quitness.''Imma put the horse up so I can get ready for bed.''I said as I walked back in the barn unsattling the horse and then putting the cattle up.Kayce stood there and watched as he just crossed his arms over his chest watching me.I brushed the horse.But then he spoke up.

''I'm sorry.''he said as he rubbed his face.

I put the horse in the stall, and said.''he's cute.''I smiled at him.

''Who?''He asked as he stratched the back of his head.

''Tate.He looks like you.''I Said as I took a deep breath.

''oh yeah, he sure does.I love him too death.''He says as he closes the door on the stables.

''So do you love her?''I asked as I stopped what I was doing and gave him a look he has never seen before.

''Kayla..I don't want too hurt you.''Kayce said as he glanced at the floor.

''I just need too know,Do you love her because.Kayce the whole fucking Time I was in prison I had one thought that was getting me threw the whole thing and I don't think it'll ever happen.''I said quietly.

''I married her,Kayla.''he sighed as we walked to the barn doors and he began closing them.

''Ok, that's al I needed to know.''I said as I turned around and just walked too the bunkhouse.

I opened the door and saw everyone getting in bed and cleaning up.I slowly walked too my bunk and grabbed some clothes before walking too the bathroom and slamming the bathroom door.

''what her deal?''Rip said.

''there is no tellin.''Jimmy said as he covered up and rolled over facing the wall and dozed off.

Rip walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

''Kayla what's wrong.''He asked.

''well Kayce moved on and it kills me Rip it kills me.I loved him so much and I still do.''I cried in the shower.

Rip pulled back the curtain and stepped in the shower fully dressed head to toe.He pulled me into a hug putting his hand on the back of my head and his face in the crook of my neck.

''He moved on.''I sobbed.

''Kayla baby.I'm here.I'm here.''he kissed my head.

''I should probably get dressed.''I said awkwardly.

''yeah here.''He said as he pulled away and turned around as I got dressed.

''you wanna stay with me?''he asked as he turned around.

''yeah, sure.''I said.

We walked out the bathroom and out of the bunkhouse.We got into the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch black Ram truck and drove too his lil house.After a short drive we parked and got out.He opened the door and welcomed me in.

''Welcome you can stay as long as you need too.''he said as he took his hat off and sat it on the counter.

We walked upstairs and into his room.''You can sleep in here with me.''he smiled as he walked off into his closet to get some comfy clothes on.He walked out and pulled the covers back and laid down,coverig himself.He looked at me,I sighed and laid down relaxing as he pulled me into his side and I relaxed.I cuddled into his side as he had his arm wrapped around my waist.

I fell asleep.

Rip looked at the girl.She looked so peaceful when she slept.To be honest he liked her.He full on had feelings for her, but wasn't gonna ever tell her because he would never have a chance because she was in love with kayce.And only Kayce.It was always gonna be Kayce no matter how many times he broke her it was always gonna be Kayce.

''I love you so much,kayla...''he whispered before he fell asleep.

Love on a Ranch~Kayce DuttonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora