"And no not elder," you said smashing you sword in between your hands making it disappear your armor following. "More like... Higher-ups."

Shima, Konekomaru and Bon had this disbelief and shocked faces. You sighed.

"Now was that appropriate?" Yukio asked fixing his glasses.

"Yes," you said plainly, "better me than someone else." You held out your hand out to help her up. She just looked at you and turned away. Not looking at Rin you casually walked out the door to the dorms.

You laid on your bed in shorts and a tank-top listening to music. You were thinking about earlier, that was weird. I'm normally not that... Mean.

"Maybe you are~" a male voice whispered.

"Who said that?"

"Over here" the voice called. You looked over to where it was illuminating. Sitting in the door was a boy with a spike on top of his head made of his unnatural green hair. All he wore was green. Puke green, too.

"Wait... Amaimon?" You asked one of the Kings of Demons.

"What's up toots?" He smiled.

"You look like shit" you laughed. You met Amaimon a long time ago. You with Shiro and Kuro. We were discussing terms and treaties.

"I should say the same thing" he hopped down onto the floor of the room. He played with the sucker he had in his mouth and put his hands in his pocket.

"Oh hush meanie!" You threw a pillow playfully nailing him on his chest.

"I thought you were going to kill eyebrows today."

"I did, too" you confessed as you looked away.

"Listen. I don't want you to get hurt. My younger brother doesn't know how special you are okay. He's stupid." Amaimon was insulting, " but... Please don't go to the field trip tomorrow. It'll get messy."

"I'm a supervisor. I can't just skip."

He shook his head. You heard the front door open and slam close. "(Y/N)!" Rin's voice bellowed.

"Don't tell anyone I was here okay."

You look to where Amaimon was but he was gone. Knock knock. "Come in" you said.

Rin walked in with Yukio following, "what the hell was that?!" They asked in unison. You shrugged, "I don't know to be honest."

"You were acting like a monster!" Yukio scolded, "Izumo thought she was going to die!"

"Well, she didn't." You said coldly.

"(Y/N)... Your on fire!" Rin exclaimed.

Yukio rushed over and sprayed you with holy water. "No reaction. That's good" he said in relieve.

"When is Shiro coming home?" You asked.

"Why? I'm right her (Y/N)?" Rin asked.

"I need my familiar."

"She's right. She went through a change. She needs Shiro."

"What?" Rin asked.

"Have you seen pokemon before?" Yukio said.

"Who hasn't?" Rin said.

"They go through evolved stages right?" Yukio was explaining. "That's what she's going through!
"New powers", Yukio continued "new abilities. Advancements in armor and weapons."

"Yukio. Your making shit up" Rin said.

He laughed quietly, "Wish I was. I'll call Toshiro to hurry and to come home soon okay?"

"Thanks Yukio"

Yukio left about 30 minutes ago to talk to Mephisto. You and Rin were laying down in silence. Of course he was on your bed and you were on him. But no matter. He started to play with your hair.

"I love you" he said. You snuggled closer to him, "I love you, too." He kissed you sweetly, "I love you more."
"I highly doubt that."
"Too late. I said it first."
"Then I love you most" you said with a straight face.

You two fought about who loved each other more for a while. He wins by far. You knew he would quit till he won so you gave him the win... For now.

Sleep was now welcoming you. You slowly drifted to sleep. "No matter what I'm going to protect you. You know that right?"

You nodded in his chest, "Ditto."

"Bon, won't mess with you any more..." He said generally.

"How do you know?" You asked drowsily.

"I taught him myself." He started to make fists in the air examining is right hand. You wanted to stay up but you fell asleep.


In the morning you saw Rin playing with Kuro on the floor of your bedroom. You smiled, "Good morning."

"Morning beautiful~" Rin replied leaning over and kissing you. He was fully dressed for school but has his tail out. "School starts in an hour. Breakfast is downstairs."
"Thanks honey" you said pushing yourself up.

After a delicious breakfast as usual you took a quick shower and got dressed and ready.

At the gates of Mephiland we were talking about a game plan. Rin and Shiemi were partners. Yes you were jelly but... It's only for a little while. You were a supervisor so you and Yukio were only to watch and score. As everyone separated Yukio pointed to the tall roller coaster indicating that you go there. You nodded. You wanted to fly but that would blow your cover. So you walked across the park. There was a latter. You climbed it to the very top. 'Go To Hell' seemed like a fun roller coaster. You hid on top to observe the students technique. You saw Rin and Shiemi casually walking.

They started running to a working Marry-go-round. You marked down reaction time. And team work. They ran around chasing the boy's ghost. Out of no where Amaimon just appeared talking and messing around with Rin. Sheimi was still working with the boy ghost. Amaimon pulled Rin's sword out and played with it. They started to fight. They went up on top of 'Go to Hell' and were riding the cart around... Standing. At this point you no longer have nails. You ran to the track. Amaimon saw you but too late.

You were hit off the track tumbling down to the ground. Bleeding and drowsy you were just falling. Almost last second you came to and pulled out your wings. And hit the ground, skidding trying to get your balance. You flipped around and batted strongly your long wings once and flew up.

Your knees were bleeding badly and your arm was dislocated. You hit your head badly ,too. But you weren't worried about you, you were looking for Rin to see if he's okay. Next thing you know a giant net is hurdling towards you. You try to dodge or move but you were stuck. The net tangled you up. It was weighted bringing you down. 100 feet down laid concrete.

If only you were going straight down. Instead you were soaring across the amusement park and hitting a network of support beams for a ride. Your back and head got smashed in to the metal rods pretty hard. A hard smack to the ground had you screaming.

You laid down on your stomach in a ball. The net still intertwined with your body. One wing was safely tucked in by your side while the other one was caught on the rods. The once white, fluffy, feathery wing now put to shame with ruffles, cascades of Crimson blood and bald spots. The missing feathers now drifting down from the sky.

You just laid there. Weak and vulnerable. You couldn't get up. Drowning in a mixture of blood and salty tears you thought you were going to die. Your head was throbbing and you knees were in agony. Your sight was going blurry and black dots were scattered in your vision. However, you could make out a figure walking to you. They stopped for an instant and started to run. Not away but closer.

A.) Yukio
B.) Rin
C.) Amaimon
D.) Shiro
E.) Bon
F.) other
Thanks for reading will update next week. Votes will be cut off in 4 days.

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