The Oddly Attractive Newbie.

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Stile's POV:

It was just another day in camp. Grover was at school because New York school runs longer than California schools (A/N I don't know if that is true. it is for the purpose of the story) so he would come back later. I was sitting in my cabin when I heard Grover yelling through the camp. I saw him run into the med bay and decided to follow. I got there and on a bed was a boy with brown hair. He looked peaceful in his sleep but Grover told us he was nocked out. I looked at all of his features and saw that he was attractive. When I say he was attractive I mean he was hot. He was so perfect and his face was so smooth. Grover must have noticed my staring because he elbowed me and said "Take a picture it'll last longer" I gave him a glare before I turned to walk away.

The Newbie came three days ago and Grover and I were standing by his bed thinking of things to do while he was here. We also thought of a tour route and some things I could teach him. He stirred awake and I got to see his ocean blue eyes for the first time. I looked away before I knew I couldn't. He started talking to Grover about something but I didn't listen. I just stood there looking at his beautiful features pretending like I was listening.

Percy's POV:

I opened my eyes to a blinding light and saw the outline of two people in front of me. "Hey Perce. How you been." Grover spoke first. "Oh, Grover. I had the weirdest dream where we were getting chased by a monster and you had goat hooves for legs and..." I looked down at his feet and saw that the dream wasn't a dream. 'Woah wait so the dream wasn't a dream. it was real. my mom, she really is gone." The other kid flinched at the mention of my mother being gone. I looked over and saw a brown-haired boy standing there. we locked eyes and his eyes are the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. They are filled with curiosity and a hint of sadness. "Unfortunately yes the whole thing was real. I'm sorry Perce. Stiles here will show you around the camp and maybe teach you a few things while you're at it." He nodded his head over the boy I saw earlier. My breath hitched in my throat at the thought of him giving me a tour. I don't know what was up with me. I can't have been liking someone already, I mean I'm straight aren't I? I started to really question my sexuality but my thoughts got interrupted by the doe-eyed boy "Alright, let's get this tour started shall we?" I nodded and he led me out to the field. "So this is Camp-Halfblood it is where people like you and I come to train and get ready for anything that may come our way." he started explaining a few things but I just got lost in his features. He had moles littering his face. Someone called his name and she smiled at them saying hi. His smile was the most attractive thing about him. He had small dimples ad it was mesmerizing. I realized I was staring and looked away and blushed slightly. I heard him chuckle so I am guessing he noticed my nervousness around him.

We walked and talked for a long time before we reached a big cabin that looked out onto the water of the lake. "This is your cabin. Your father built this for you." He said and smiled letting me go inside. Damn that smile will end up being the death of me. I looked around and saw a lot of things resembling water and that stuff. I walk over to a trident and pick it up spinning it in my hand. Then it hits me. "My father was Poseidon?" He looks at me and nods. I smile and then my head instantly fills with questions. "Why did he leave? Does he even know I am alive? Does he know mom is alive? Why did he let mom marry that dickhead of a man? How could he-" I got cut off by a strong pair of arms around me. I didn't realize it but I was crying until he pulled me into a hug. We stood there hugging for what felt like hours. We let go and decided to talk to each other about our lives and get to know each other. Stiles says he only comes here during the summer and then leaves for school. How he has kept up his role as the most popular person here is beyond me. I started to feel jittery around this boy. I had only met him a few hours ago how could I already have a crush on him. Not to mention I thought I was straight. I guess not. Am I gay? or Bi? I don't really know. I am leaning more towards gay because now that I think about it I never really liked any girls. I just always thought it was because I haven't found the one yet. Now I realize it was because I am gay and always have been. 

About three weeks later I am sitting in my cabin pondering my feelings towards stiles. I told Grover how I felt and he promised not to tell anyone. I recently got back from a 'quest', as Chiron called it, so I was tired and wanted to sleep. I returned the lightning bolt to the Olympians and saved a war between two worlds. As I am sitting here thinking about, you guessed it, Stiles, I heard someone come into my cabin. I sit up and am met with a crying Stiles. "Stiles hey what's wrong?" I asked my face full of concern. "It's just...I had a nightmare about my mother." He told me and I shot up from my bed and brought him into a hug. I know how much of a touchy subject his mom is. She died when he was really little and he got nightmares about her sometimes. "C-Can I stay here with you tonight?" He asked me. He looked so broken and hurt I couldn't refuse. I said yes and he laid down on the bed. I laid next to him not really getting that close as we faced each other. He moved in and set his head on my chest. I gave in and pulled him closer to me as we laid there cuddling. That is how we fell asleep that night.

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