25 : You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you .

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Ellie's POV_ 2 weeks later

Two weeks passed really quickly but I won't forget them . They were wonderful . I tried to forget about the fact that A was going to come back and I focused on Niall and the others . My cousin Lisa visited me and Nat for some days and we introduced her to all the boys . She is a really big fan so she was really excited . Liam and Niall organized a birthday party for Zayn and it was amazing . What else … Oh yeah..I went to see One Direction's performance one night . I met a lot of really nice fans , and some even asked me for an autograph , which was strange cause I wasn't the famous one in our relationship with Niall . He dedicated me Little Things and he was smiling and looking at me while he was singing . I really wanted to cry . His voice was so relaxing and calming . While listening to it you want to forget about everything and just focus on it . Just perfect . The funny thing about that concert was that one tweet was telling the boys to dance waltz with someone from the crowd and Niall wanted to dance with me . We both ended up on the floor , laughing cause we both didn't know how to dance waltz and it was looking hilarious . So you could tell they were two nice weeks .Two weeks passed really quickly but I won't forget them . They were wonderful . I tried to forget about the fact that A was going to come back and I focused on Niall and the others . My cousin Lisa visited me and Nat for some days and we introduced her to all the boys . She is a really big fan so she was really excited . Li

This day I had a day off university , but everyone was busy . The boys had some interviews and a signing . Natalie was all day at the university cause she had to help with something . The other girls were busy too and I didn't want to hang out with the people from the uni . So that meant that I had a day for myself and only myself.

I decided to start with a long relaxing bath . I turned the music on and I laid in the tub . The water was so hot that it relaxed me . I really needed that .

The water was still hot and I could still lay a lot of minutes but I heard a huge boom from the living room . I wrapped around me a towel and quickly went to see what was that . I saw flowers all over the floor , water everywhere and a broken vase . Few meter from all this mess , I saw Garfield . He was wet . I cleaned what he did , dried him and went to dress into something comfortable . I put sweatpants and hoodie .

“What's next ? “ I thought to myself . I was a little bit hungry so I decided to cook something delicious . Waffles . I took all the necessary ingredients and started making the waffles .

“Do you like waffles?

-Yea I like waffles!

Do you like pancakes?

-Yea I like pancakes!

Do you like french toast?

-Yea I like french toast!

Do do do do doot just cant wait to get enough “ I was singing while making them . When everything was ready I decided to make Niall jealous so I tweeted him a picture of a waffle . It was full of chocolate , fruits and cream .

@NiallOfficial Look what i'm going to eat !! Jealous ?! Buahaahha !xx Hope you have fun without me .

No a long time after , he respond .

@real_ellie_white Heyy . That's unfair . I wanna eat waffles too . You will make me one day cus you love me xx :)

Some hours later

I was watching TV but nothing interesting was on . I decided to log in my twitter and

see if I had tweets from Niall's fans and follow some . Tons of tweets from people I didn't know . I started reading them one by one . Firstly they were all nice ones but then suddenly tons of hate tweets.

You are ugly . You don't deserve Niall , bitch .

Go die in a hole full of bitches like you .

Fat , ugly . I really don't know what Niall sees in you .

Niall found his princess ? Bullshit . Niall found a girl that is far away from being a princess.

My eyes started watering . Why they hate me so much ? What had I done to them ?

I knew I had to stop reading but I couldn't . Most of them where true . I was fat , ugly and I didn't deserve Niall but why they wanted me to die . Why ? I was lying there crying when I heard a closing door . It was Natalie . I quickly took my laptop and run to my bedroom where I closed the door and continue reading the hate .

“Ellie are you there ? “ Nat said and knocked the door .

“Leave me alone . I don't want to talk to anyone . “ I shouted and then I started crying even harder .

I was reading all the hate and I wanted even more to stop my life . If I would done it , who would care ? My parents ? They had Mark and Ollie . My siblings ? They had each other . Niall ? He would find someone better than me . My friends ? They had other friends . I took a razor that I found in my bathroom and I made a small cut . It was a little bit painful but then I liked the feeling . I started to cut myself even harder . Deeper cuts . My blood was all over my clothes and bed . Suddenly I heard his voice . It was Niall .

“Ellie open the door . “ he said . I did not say anything .

“Ellie just open the door . “ he said again louder .

I still said nothing.

“Ellie just open the fucking door . Please . “ he said and I could tell he was about to cry . I decided to open but he would be really shocked by what he would see .

“Ellie . Why you didn't open the.. he stopped . He was looking at me shocked . He did not say a word and he did everything to stop the bleeding . I was just letting him still not saying a word .

I was sitting in the living room on the couch not saying anyhing , drinking

 orange juice . I could tell they both were looking at me .

“I'm sorry .” I said quietly

“Why did you do this ? You know you could lose a lot of blood and then die . I couldn't stand being without you . Please don't do it again . “ Niall said . I stood and sat on his lap and give him a tight hug .

“I promise “ I said . “ Can you both keep it a secret ? “ They nodded .

After 30 minutes

I was lying on my bed next to Niall .

“Can you now tell me why you cut yourself ? “ he said . I was looking at his eyes .

I could tell he wasn't really glad that I did that . Looking at his blue made saying a word even harder.

“It was...the fans... they hate me .. They are calling me fat ugly , stupid , a slut , a bitch . They are saying me that I don't deserve you . They are sending me dead threats . It's really hard Niall . “ I said and started crying again .

“Don't cry love . I will do something about it . But you know what . Don't listen to the m You are the most beautiful , amazing girl in the world and you are not fat at all . You are smart and funny . And I don't know why they are calling you a slut and a bitch cause last time I checked these two words didn't mean a cute , shy girl . Please don't listen to them . “ he said . I kissed him and then he started singing his solo in Little Things :

You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you.

You'll never treat yourself right, darlin' but I want you to.

If I let you know, I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself,

Like I love you. Ooh..

He kissed my forehead and we both fell asleep . 

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