It's not like I actually payed attention in class or that the boy did.  Often times we were paired up with each other or sitting next to each other because our last names are so similar.  I despised how teachers put us in alphabetical order.  I usually stared off and at the window dreaming of the day that my Prince Charming would rescue me from the wretched place called high school.  He, however, drew in his notebook. Sometimes he would draw images that made sense and are fathomable but most other times it was utter nonsense to me.

    One day in history, I'd ask, "What's that supposed to be?"

    He shrugged and let his dark eyebrows furrow.  My eyes drifted around his face to take in his strange beauty. I saw a grin tugging on his cherry lips and the light freckles that dusted across the top of his nose.  "I'm just letting the pencil do all the work.  I'll be sure to let you know when I'm done. . . Maybe it will look better than your face and judging by your face it will."

    There was always some kind of snarky comment included with a decent one, hence the word decent.

    I was practically the only phased by his rude demeanor.  Everyone else was either too charmed by his personality or too smitten by his good looks. Or the famous, wanting to get in his pants option.  This spoke for pretty much everyone except me. People thought he was some kind of king and I guess, he was.  He was able to get anything he wanted by a flash of his golden smile. He wasn't the only one put up on this pedestal, his partner in crime, Jacob Lawson was just like him.  He was equally as royal and had the same painful, dreaded smile.  I wouldn't be surprised if they practiced it together.

    People didn't despise him or hate him.   He was too likable, what with that charm of a smile.  It was almost like his free token for anything. Sure, most envied him and some guys even wanted to date him but he was too good to hate. Not too good for me, though. I wanted to wring his neck with my bare hands.

    Some might have said that he was the hottest guy ever to walk the face of the Earth; he would never have denied it. While others might have said that he was an imaginary character in their head because he was too "damn sexy" to be real. The rumors and stories are endless; however, the more realistic people, like myself didn't believe in those stories but rather instead, he was most definitely not the hottest guy ever to walk the Earth.

    The realistic people club only consisted of myself at the time. We - well I since no one else was in the club - knew him for what we truly was. He was fake and I saw right through his sickly smile and smooth talk to his selfish and cruel interior.

    He was one of those people that didn't stay for too long around others. After that smile, he had you begging at his knees to do whatever he wanted and that's exactly what he knew would happen. He wasn't a psychic or anything but that's how it worked for him or Jacob Lawson- the golden boys or more commonly referred to by kids at my school: the Kings.

    He was a charmer, as simple as that. He knew how to play his cards right therefore he never lost a match until me. He used people but he never like used them how he told them he would. He lured a girl into thinking they would have sex but he would leave before they would, leaving the girl to spread rumors about the kinky sex the next day. I never knew which rumors to believe but I always had him telling me what went down. Trust him or not- was always a question lingering at the back of my head like a foreign object. Trust was an unknown term in the dictionary to me, especially when it came to the boy known as Thomas Parker.

The Bad Boy is a KingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon