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-4 year time skip-

It's been about 4 years since Julie gave birth to Emily-Rose, and a lot of things changed. Willie and Alex made the decision to adopt young twins recently, about 2 years ago. They adopted a boy and a girl, the girl named Hazel, and the boy named Harrison.


"Lex, you have Hazel right?" Willie yelled across the house.

"Yeah she just finished eating." Alex walked into the room, Hazel still half asleep in his arms. Harrison, had also just fell asleep, and was laying down in his crib.

Willie, gently took Hazel from Alex's arms, and placed her in her crib, across from Harry's.

Willie stood back, and walked over to Alex' ad they admired their sleeping kids.

"We're gonna do great." Willie reassured, grabbing onto Alex's hand.

"Hell yeah we are." Alex laughed, placing a soft kiss on Willie's lips.



"I'm gonna come get you!" Reggie yelled, as he chased Lucas around the front yard, causing Flynn to laugh.

Lucas eventually gave up from Reggie's chasing, and sat on the driveway, and began to try to draw with chalk.

Reggie dusted himself off, and walked over to Flynn, wrapping an arm around her, and placing a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Look how big he's getting." Reggie said, admiring whatever Lucas was drawing.

"I know, it's crazy. It seems like yesterday I was holding him in my arms." Flynn smiled

"Would you ever want another one?" Reggie asked

"Maybe." Flynn smiled



"Ready?" Luke asked, as he was coming back down the stairs, from putting Emily down to nap.

"Yep." Julie replied, she looked down at her phone, and hit the post button. "And posted."


@JulieMP: here we go again——————————————————————————-

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@JulieMP: here we go again

shaquilleoatmeal: MORE?

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