Chapter 4: Kiyotaka vs Tsukasa

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With that our adventure in making Gun powder started, Nothing that important happened in the beginning, there was something that I realized though; if a being was petrified or a part of him petrified, if that part was injured it can be healed after undoing the petrification.

So if we could understand the basics of this petrification, we can cure almost all types of injuries in a few seconds.

And after a whole week, we arrived to our goal, there were some hot springs we took a rest there, and we found there the materials needed.

The final battle was approaching, I was almost 100% sure that Tsukasa knew that we were heading to Hakone, which means he knows that we're trying to make gunpowder, we were running out of time.

"Now we finally got all the ingredients to make gunpowder!!" Senku yelled.

I didn't care much about it because I already knew what was needed. The most crucial ingredient was the potassium nitrate, or the miracle fluid as they call it, from Senku's point of view we can only get it from that cave, and he doesn't know about the other cave, it will play a big role in the future.

Now I need to check something, I used an excuse to get us some food and went with Kei.

"So where are we going Kiyotaka" Kei asked.

"In the course of our travel, I noticed some traces, they were left by other humans," I said.

"So there are other people who got free too?" Kei asked.

"It could be, there was also the possibility that not the whole humanity was petrified," I answered.

when we arrived at the location, I started checking the area.

"Yeah there was someone here" I confirmed.

"Let's call it a day, for now, we got too far" I said.

"Okay " Kei agreed.

When we came back we saw a big explosion, they made the gun powder, but why igniting it, did they do it by fault?

"Hey guyys, are you okay?" Kei asked.

"Yeah Yeah" Senku confirmed.

"It was a huge success" Senku yelled.

"This gunpowder is seriously powerful," Yuzuriha said.

"I can't help but think of the figure of Tsukasa-kun Surrendering," Kei said.

"Yeaah it's soo funny" Yuzuriha laughed.

"But guys, the gun powder is used to kill," I said

"Kill" all of them but Senku muttered.

"What are you planning to do Senku" I continued.

"Are we going to kill Tsukasa?" Taiju asked.

"No, we're going to make an exchange" Senku answered.

"What do you mean?" Kei questioned.

"With gunpowder, we can dominate the field, and we can force Tsukasa to stop his killing spree" Senku replied.

"But, if negotiations were to fail with Tsukasa, We'll have to kill him." He continued.

'At least someone who can think logically' I thought.

"Now Taiju Kiyotaka, hurry let's put out the fire before Tsukasa could find us"Senku yelled.

When we started, Yuzuriha said:

"Guys, look there" Yuzuriha pointed in the direction we came from, there was a fire.

"A signal" Senku muttered.

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