Oliver Ausman Lives Again

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Oliver Ausman has been given a second chance at life, but it's hard to feel grateful when he was the one trying to end it in the first place.

Returning to his normal life after being released from the hospital is hard, especially since his parent's idea of normal is made up of dinner parties, prep school, fancy suits, and fake manners-- all paired with a complete disregard for the mental health of their firstborn. He's long been fed up with it, but the final straw is when he finds out that his "father" isn't actually his father at all.

Oliver decides he's had enough of the perfect facade, so he packs a suitcase and grabs his younger brother, "borrowing" his mother's car to sneak off on a trip to find his biological father. But he never expected to pick up a girl with her own similar set of problems, to be followed across the country by a money-hungry pair of criminals, or most of all, to find out that maybe this life thing isn't as bad as he thought.



I'm always a bit wary when it comes to contemporary stuff, since I think it's very easy to overdo it or make it really boring, but this was truly amazing. This book had some of the best characters I've read about and some of the most heartwarming relationships. Over the course of the story, I grew completely attached to Oliver, Charlie and Kat and their quirks and conversations. It deals very realistically with topics like depression and suicide through a slightly silly and exaggerated plot, and I love that contrast. The fact that they have criminals following them doesn't take away the spotlight from the main plot but only makes it much more fun to read. The writing is beautiful, and some of the metaphors simply took my breath away. The author has this style where she will flashback to a random memory or seemingly unrelated piece of information and then seamlessly mold it into something much bigger, and I absolutely adore that. The ending is also really sweet and perfect. This book doesn't have the most sensational of plots, but then that's not what the book is about. It made me smile and cry and hope and feel and I think that's incredible.

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