The Location

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     The next day Shen Wei  can sit straight but his trying to find his Ah Lan. "Where's  Yunlan?" That's  the first thing came out of his mouth.

   Lou Fu Sheng can't  tell to his gege Yunlan is missing. He tried to talk another thing. But his gege knew if his hiding something.  "Didi! Where is he?!" He suddenly  frown making Lou Fu Sheng  swallowed  hard.  "She got him! That crazy girl kidnapped  Yunlan and demand Han Chen to marry him gege!"

    That  made Shen Wei  gone furious and took off his IV . "I must get him back!" Lou Fu Sheng tried to stop him when Yezun came with Da quing  carrying some foods. "Gege! Stop! Your wound might open again!" He scolded his gege, who on the other hand refuse to back  down.

    They stop when they're  father came, "So it's  true about the two of you?" That made Shen Wei  stop and can't  look at his father. "It's  useless! Eventhough  you gone to the Zhao they're  panicking as well! They didn't  know where that witch took Yunlam! So wait  here and take a rest!" But all was shocked when hearing  his word, "No! I can't  let Yunlan down again!"

    Yunlan on the other hand was laid on the floor and was given a drug that made him dizzy. "Sorry brother in law! If your didi is not only stubborn I won't  do this you know? Since I know your rooting for me to him?" Yunlan smirk, "Crazy Psycho!" Yunlan tried to sit up but the medicine making him dizzy and hallucinating  as well.

    "Maybe your didi will finally  said yes to me since your here!" That made Yunlan chuckled, "He won't  his a stuborn man! He love Lou Fu Sheng  for real! So sorry missy he can't  love you!" That made Jinxi frown, "He will love me!" And grabbed  Yunlan's  shirt,  "If not! He won't  see his beloved gege alive!" Suddenly  he struck something  to Yunlan's  shoulder making him whined  in pain.

   Chu finally got out when Guo fell asleep  in his arms. As he have many times he taken him just to make him tired and fall asleep. "Sorry Jing! I have to leave you to get some help for a while!" He said to himself  and sneek away from the house.

   While running from the street he thought he saw Yunlan that being dragged  by a woman. "I thought he like Shen Wei? Why his with a woman?" He ask himself that as he called a taxi and left toward his hotel. While calling Da quing  and telling him what happened  to him.

    At the other end Da quing  eyes went wide and almost laugh on what happened  to him. But the next thing he heard, "What Yunlan?! Where?!!!" Da quing  forgot Shen Wei is beside him and heard what they're  talking. Before Yezun signal Da quing  to close the phone his gege snatched  it. "Where is Ah Lan?! Tell me?!" He shout.

    Lou Fu Sheng called Han Chen quickly as his gege wanted to rescue Yunlan no matter what. Yao whose with Yutong at the Zhao's  mansion hearing his gege is being stubborn quickly took the phone from Han Chen, "Hey!" Yao apologize and said to his Lou Fu Sheng ge, "Don't let go of gege! You know he needed some more rest because of his wounds.

    But he can hear his gege shouting to let him go. Han Chen get his phone again to get the address of the whereabouts of his Yunlan ge. When he close the phone he told to Yutong to call some back ups as he needed to rescue their gege. "I want to come with you! His my son!" Xin ci prepared his gun. "No dad! Jinxi might  notice us and it might triger in firing a gun to my gege!" And quickly left.

    "I'm coming weather he likes it or not!" He called Butler Kim.  "What?! Dad no! Han Chen ge told you to leave these thing to him!" Yutong protest because that Jinxi is a good shooter. His dad might  be shot  if his in the way. But no one can stop Xin ci. So Yutong have no choice but go with him. Yao on the other hand didn't want to be left by Yutong as he also accompany them.

   Back to the hospital, Shen Wei  being dragged back to laid on the bed. The brothers can't  believe  that someone who have just shoot is that strong. When they're  father came he scolded Shen Wei. "Just let the policemen handle that matter! And you young man need to rest!" But as they just turned their backs.

    Shen Wei  quickly run and sneek away from them. "Damn! Your gege! Did he really love that guy?!" They didn't  have a choice but to follow him.

     Han Chen quickly prepared his gun when he came to the right place. But he didn't  anticipate Jinxi have a helping hand, name X. The notorious hired killer. Before Han Chen apprehend  Jinxi, X had emerge from his back and pulled his gun. He pointed it to Han Chen. He whistle to alert Jinxi that he caught a fox his partner.

   Jinxi was shocked how Han Chen knew their location. X was a triggered happy guy and command Han Chen to dropped  his gun before ge shoot him. But as Han Chen dropped  his gun, Shen Wei  came and tried to get the gun from X. Han Chen flipped  X up as he went falling on the floor. They thought that it is over but Jinxi caught the gun. "Stop you two!" She shout. X smirk, "You thought your a sneaky fox and can outwit me? Your been outsmarted  by your own partner!" He tied the two up.

   "Where's  my Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  glared at her. "Don't  worry Mr. Shen! You will soon be reunited with him! Take him to Yunlan ge!" She ordered  X. X smirk and lead Shen Wei  to Yunlan's  room.

    "Jinxi! How could you kidnapped  my gege and with the help of that notorious  criminal X!" Jinxi smirk, "Don't  worry  Han Chen after we got married I will dispose of him as well." As she tried to kiss Han Chen's cheek. But Han Chen turned his face.


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