In the comic book version, maybe P1

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Minerva McGonagall POV:

It was halfway through Dumbledore's speech that it happened. The rumbling of an engine was heard as the castle shook slightly. A huge wide black plane of some sorts was flying straight towards the castle. 6 very fast beeps came from Severus' wrist watch, which I think most of us had no idea he even owned. For the first time, I saw a flash of confusion cross his face. However, it was gone as soon as it arrived. He tapped the smooth glass surface and a Russian tone emitted from it. 

"Agent Shaw, are you there?"

"Yes, sir. I wasn't expecting to hear from you." Severus' voice had completely changed and it threw us all off the hook. 

"We got your message. We'll be landing in the field and approaching on foot. we'll be there in 15 minutes. Pleased take the time to change into uniform and remove your undercover alias." 

"Sure thing, Tremors."

"Did you just... ALRIGHT THEN LEMONS!"

"That was one time! Yours is a fricking superpower!"







"Oof! He got you there, Severus." 

"Shut up, Lupin. " An uproar of surprise filled the room. 

"Enough!" McGonagall yelled. "You! Explain!"

"I'm not Severus Snape. I never was. But I was employed by him to keep an eye out for all of you. I'm Agent Deke Shaw (Whoever gets this is the best. A clue is Marvel.) and I've been under disguise as Boss for years." 

"But you look just like him!" glared Charity Burbage, the Muggle Studies Professor. 

"I look like his father. We copied it from an old picture," he reached behind his neck and pressed down. His face flickered silver showing the mask and he pulled it off along with the wig and cap underneath. 

"How long have you been undercover for him?" asked Dumbledore.

"The whole time. He never taught at Hogwarts."

"What?" breathed out Neville. 


Deke flicked his wand and his robes changed to an all black bulletproof suit armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows. 

"Who else knew?" demanded Dumbledore.

"All of Slytherin did, Professor."

"And why were they told and not me?!"

"Because they interact with the real him. At galas and gathering or parties. They know because there is no way someone raised by the highest ranking family in the world would dress like that."

"Why is he coming now? After all this time?" asked Madam Pomfrey, who had rushed in when the noise first started.

Deke sighed before pointing at Dumbledore, who just stared at him confused. "Your hand. I tell him everything that happens and after I told him about the infection, he told me he'd see me soon. I just wasn't expecting this soon. He would never give up any of you. Never!"

The next couple of minutes were the longest in anyone's life. 

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