04 | Norton x Reader | IDV

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Requested by Eli

"Nort! Norton!" You called out,  your shoes spitting up dirt as you bolted towards the prospector.

"The hunter is friendly!" You exclaimed, waving your hands in the air eagerly.

It took you a while you find the prospector, but you can pratically *smell* the ones you simp for out. Norton rarely gave you attention, but that was fine. You still loved him dearly.

And jesus fucking christ he never made it easy for you not to love him. Every little thing he did made your heart flutter and churn- for your breathing to surrender itself and your organs to rocket sky-high. Even if it was a side glance, or half-assed grin you died on spot.

The black haired survivor's focus turned away from the cipher he was working on and onto you, his dark eyes snapping directly into yours.

"They're friendly? Who is it?" He questioned, typing away various codes to the machine.

Moving over, you decided to take the leisure in joining him in decoding.

"It's Galatea!" You replied back, bouncing on spot.

Norton grew silent, nodding his head simply in return. You didn't say anything, and none did he.

The map was one of the snowy ones, a near Christmas tree sparkling as unused gifts littered the snow. The old buildings stood up tall, gleaming down as its shadow was casted against the pure white snow.

Eventually, the cipher was decoded, and you turned your attention to Norton- whom was already staring, blankly.

"We should meet up with the others, they're probably flocking her," Norton mused softly, "I'll follow you."

You nodded your head, studying the males features before shifting away.

But, then you heard the soft sound of a magnet click, and before you could even glance back, you were being launched *backwards*.

Eventually your back slammed into Norton, which had momentarily stunned you. But once you figured out what happened, a verbal keysmash erupted from your lips.

Norton's face was marked with a grin, his eyebrows shifting together. The prospector drapped his arms onto your shoulders, and he easily rested his chin on the top of your head.

"Okay. Now we'll go." He exclaimed softly, releasing you from his warm grip.

You casted his stare onto him in both pure joy and- well, happiness, shaking your head with a soft chuckle.

As you began to move again, he has the audacity to make you again, directly back into his chest.

"Norton!" You blurred out quickly, ignoring the flush of crimson on your face. From the cold? Let's let you decide that.

"Hm?" He questioned innocently, cocking his head to the side.

His smile had remained on his face. You stared. He stared. You both stared at eachother.

"Stop that!" You eventually exclaimed.

Norton had simply given out a small chuckle, and nodded his head.


After a while of following, you both had found the group.
It consisted of the Sculptor, You, Norton, Aesop and Lucky Guy.

It was a pretty uneven team, but maybe Lucky Guys luck had turned the hunter friendly. Who knows how the mystery man worked.

"Ah, you've both arrived! Welcome back Y/N, Norton!" Lucky Guy gleamed, holding a snowball in his hand.

"Hello, Lucky." Norton replied back.

"Hey Lucky!" You mused after the prospector gleefully.

Sculptor casted a smile at you, the girls fingers dancing with her sculpting weapon. Norton stared back, shifting his head to the side. Lucky Guy threw the snowball at Aesop, nailing the silent male directly in the face. Aesop, had simply fallen in the snow, completely fucking dying.

All hell proceeded to break loose. A snowball fight emerged, and everyone was snow fighting for their lives. Norton had not once taken the change to magnet you to him once or twice, only to betray you as you turned into a flustered mess at the attention as he slammed a snowball into your head.

Although, it had grew time where all ciphers were done, and the exit gate was open. Sculptor hadn't faked friendly, and was actually letting them all go.

"Hey Y/N, wanna watch me dance?" Norton whispered softly to you.

You knew, Norton couldn't dance for shit. He just- threw himself around and thought he could dance. He really couldn't. He was complete chaos. His sanity was a fucking roulette wheel.

"Go do your funky jig, funky boy," you shrugged simply.

At your words, Norton smiled slightly, and began to do- whatever, that was.

He literally just. Threw his arms around and made his torso follow. You could tell he was pretty proud of that, too. You could tell in the way he moved, and the slight spark in his eyes. The way his lips struggled to keep contained in a straight line as he did his little- groove.

After it was over, you softly clapped, your smile remaining on your face.

You decide to follow Norton into the exit.

Although the black-haired male had a singular magnet left,and wasn't going to let you off that easy.

Flinging the magnet at you, you barely had time to brace yourself as you were flung to him once more. But, he had actually decided to wrap his arms around you, encasing you in a tight hug.

It took you a moment to wrap your arms back around him, softly patting his back.

"What's this for?" You questioned Norton's actions.

In the hug, Norton shrugged.

"I dunno. Just being you, I guess." He replied back.

Sucking in a breath, the smile kn your face had began to hurt your cheeks. But you allowed yourself to remain in the grip of Norton's arms, shutting your eyes as you only enjoyed the moment given to you.

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