03 | Naib x Reader | IDV

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Requested by Eli

Softly, your knuckles rasped against the wooden door. Your eyes locking with the polished wood, you sucked in a sharp breath. You hadn't recieved an answer, so you knocked again.

On the other side, a small groan sounded and feet shuffled against the wooden floor. Eventually, the door creaked open, revealing the dead, blank stare of the mercenary.

"Y/N?" He questioned, the brown haired male not making a move to open the door, "It's literally three AM." His voice was grouchy- which, was fair.

"I couldn't sleep," you softly mumbled back, one of your hands rising up to rub at your eyes.

Out of everyone here, you trusted Naib the most. Yeah, at first he didn't want anything to really do with you. But, he had eventually warmed up to you. You got along with everyone here pretty well- although you were still bonding with some of the more anti social ones.

"Did you try closing your eyes? Heard that could help" Naib mused back, his eyebrows shifting up.

A small scoff evoked out of your mouth, lowering your hands down from your eyes. "Gee..- Thanks.. Can I come in?"

It grew silent. Naib stared at you from the crack of the door, his pale blueish-green eyes studying you. He could tell from just your face the way your lips pressed into a thin line to keep from trembling, the way your eyes skittering across the walls and back onto his face, something had stirred you up to the point you weren't able to sleep.

"Come on in, then," Naib commented, opening the door up and moving away.

Relief flooded in your system. Usually, you wouldn't bother anyone, especially Naib. But the cold grew unbearable and the silence overwhelmed you. Naib was the closest to your room, too. And you didn't want to wander the dark for too long.

Entering the room, you shut the door behind you respectfully.
Naib gestured his hand towards the light switch, the moment barely seen in the dark- but you had managed to catch it. Flicking the light on, your glance moved around the room.

Naibs room was rather plain- his bed resting against the windowed wall, a desk to your left littered with books and an quilt n ink. To your right was a closet, and a few large plushies littered the wooden floor.

"Come over here, sit down. Tell me what happened," Naib spoke to you softly.

The male was currently wearing a sleeveless top and baggy black pants, his green hood adorning the wall as it hanged up on a hook.

For some reason, you felt silly being here. Maybe you shouldn't have bothered Naib this late at night.

"Are you sure?" You questioned back.

"Sit down, (Y/N)." Naib repeated sharply.

Rubbing the back of your head, you took your place next to him, sitting next to Naib on his bed. Silence grew in the room as Naib let you gather your thoughts.

"... I'm just‐ overthinking, right?" You questioned softly, "I just don't- feel okay on my own, especially at night. So I thought I'd come visit you," you finished, simply shrugging.

Stsring at the floor, your hands rested in your lap. Why were you telling Naib this? He was a mercenary! He's seen more worse stuff then some silly fear. You didn't know how to explain it, really.

"So you can't sleep?"


"Do you feel like eyes are on you?"


Naib grew silent after this two questions, and so did you. If you were honest, you felt a lot more safe here then your own room. It was beginning to chip in that one of your favorite people were generally paying attention to you, and that currently was enough.

Eventually, Naib shifted his hands up to truffle with your hair. "Then you can sleep in my room." He blankly replied back.

You turned his attention to Naib.

"You have one bed."

"We'll share it."

"You're insane."

"Only moderately."

By now, a small smile had pursued its way onto your face. Naib's lips turned upwards, before a small yawn erupted from his lips. Stretching his arms over his head, he nodded his head towards his bed.

"I'll give you one of my pillows so you can sleep opposing ends of me." Naib commented, shifting himself backwards as he shuffled to grab a mentioned pillow.

"Opposing ends?" You questioned, shifting your eyebrows down, "we could just- y'know.. Perhaps cuddle?" You mused, fidgeting slightly.

Naib turned towards you in silence, in pure disbelief of your tired words slurred together.


It didn't take long for you to latch onto Naib'a back. Your arms wrapped around his chest, your head resting against the crook of his neck. Your legs were wrapped with his, and for the matter of fact you were quite comfortable against the mercenary.

"I did say no to cuddling," he mused, but didn't attempt to move.

"And you're dumb to think I won't cuddle you, dummy," you mused back rather tiredly.

"I'm not dumb." Naib commented back, a small hint of overexaggerated pain in his tone.

"Yes.. Yes you are. You. You are dumb, and I love you. Because you're dumb. Now shut the fuck up- I'm sleepy," unknowingly, you slurred your words together.

Naib did drop silent, but not because of your words. His head resting against the kuscle of his arm, his hand shifted up to softly touch yours, which remained on his chest.

".. I love you too, Y/N," he mused softly under his breath, before shaking his head.

Shutting his eyes, you had already fallen in a long sleep.

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