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4:00 PM
My name is Emit. As walk to my friend Sonicarus's house. I stumble upon a tiny watch. The watch is barely working I turn the fingers backwards. Now I'm back at my house and it's 5:00 am before school. That was all probably just a dream. I go and take a shower. Then I put on my clothes. I put a red striped flannel shirt,blue skinny jeans, and two purple gloves. Those gloves were one of a kind made them my self. I hop in to my moms car and she takes me too school.
Mom tells me to stay out of trouble. I say no promises mom. First person I see Sonicarus and his pretty mad. He told someone had stole his switch. Sonicarus kinda ran a blackmarket for that stuff. I try to stay away from him when he does that stuff. 1st period goes by smoothly. 2nd period got in trouble for not doing homework.
It's time for lunch and I see Sonicarus screaming at Beat. Beat is one of Sonicarus's lackeys for the switch cartel. I just went to go sent with pagrite263 VCrackedV . I ask them what's up with Sonicarus. Pagrite is also works for him. Pagrite say Beat didn't give him his shipment of switch. Me Pagrite and Cracked went to the lunch line we all bought switches to have a laugh with Sonicarus.
4:00pm -4:00pm😃😃
Walking to Sonicarus house when I felt like I've seen something like this before. I take a broken watch out my pocket then I see the same one on the floor. I realize I hade found a time traveling watch. Now I have 2 should I give it to Pagrite or Cracked. Maybe Sonicarus but he would probably use for his stupid Drink Cartel. We can just buy it at school but he finds ways to get stuff out of people. He has over 100 switchs out of the two weeks it's been here.
I decided to go home so technically I created a alternative time line to the one before. Things are getting weird but there only gonna get weirder. Emit out.

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