"Stop apologizing, I liked it. I've never seen you act like that, it's new but a good kind of new. Now go so I can get ready."

Once I'm dressed we all head to school, and the day goes by in a blur. There were stolen kisses in between classes and talks after school, the moments like those are the ones that I enjoy most. Where we are just sitting and talking about random things that don't apply to anything relevant.

*End Tuesday Recap*

Friday Night (Their First Date)

Everything has been going really steady, my relationship with Luka is blossoming and becoming something that I never knew I needed. He makes me crazy, I never want to part with him and every moment we spend together just makes me fall a little bit more. We have shared chaste kisses in between classes the entire week and he's been coming over to my place or I'm going over to the Liberty everyday after school. We've learned to control ourselves ever since that one day after school, sadly no hot make out sessions have occurred since then, but just being with him is more than enough.

Luka and I haven't gone on an official date yet, but I know that will change tonight. He asked me earlier to meet him at our spot in the park at seven o'clock. It's not too late but late enough for us to watch the sunset together.

For the first time since we met we haven't hung out after school. When I arrive home it feels weird and off in a way. I'm so used to having Luka with me, and now that he isn't, I feel kind of lonely. I really just want to call him and tell him to come over but I can't. He said that we should not contact each other until tonight because he would be too tempted to walk over to my house and stay there with me until we are forced apart.

School has become a lot more tolerable and easier since Luka and I got together. Adrien is still acting different but at least we are talking again. I missed talking to him, not that I ever did a lot of that around him, but when I did it was nice and he would always compliment something about me or something that I did. He doesn't do much of that anymore, but we talk about school and his upcoming party. I asked him if it was okay that I was bringing Luka and he said he was fine with it, but it didn't seem that way. Adrien got this look on face telling me that he didn't want Luka to come, but he didn't say it. He always seems to act differently when I bring Luka up around him, but eventually he just shakes it off and says that he is happy that I found someone. Though whenever he says it there is a hint of sadness that creeps into his voice, and I never think twice about it.

Once I jump out of my thoughts I realize that I have around two and a half hours to get ready, so I decide to take a bath. It will help me clear my head and it will be very relaxing. I run up to my room and go to the bathroom to draw a bath. I pull out my favorite bath salts and light some candles. I grab my computer and decide to watch some Netflix because why not, and soon I hop in with the hope of relaxing my mind and body.

After around forty five minutes of washing all my worries away I decide that I have to get out or else I will turn into a human prune. Once out of the bath I pull a robe around me and get on my bed. Checking my phone I realize that it's half past five and I have so much time on my hands. Deciding that I have nothing better to do I pull out my homework and attempt to do it. Of course the one assignment I have is Math, and I could put this off and do it this weekend but I might as well do it now since I have time.

I struggle to even comprehend what this even is for thirty minutes and then I just give up and say fuck it, school sucks anyway. I'm not gonna need to know what the hell a Pythagorean Theorem is later in life, at least I think I don't need to know it. I pick up my phone and notice that my date with Luka is in an hour, so I might as well start getting ready. I head over to my closet and contemplate what I should wear, Is this a casual date, or is it fancy? It can't be fancy because it is at the park, but what if he wants it to be a little fancier than normal? Eventually I give up and go with something casual, so I pick out a black skirt, a light pink sweater, a lace black bra and panties, then some simple black high-top converse. I decide to leave my hair down and let it air dry so it will have some waves in it. I pass on putting makeup on, it's just not my thing and I don't like it. Once I'm all dressed up I brush my teeth and check the time, again. Apparently picking out an outfit takes thirty minutes because my phone reads that the time is six-thirty. I put all my homework away and tidy up my room just in case we come back to my house after. I look at my phone and think, if I run to the park I can make it by seven, so I dart out of the bakery and run as fast I can.

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