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Marinette's POV

Ring Ring Ring

Alya and I are sitting on the chaise just staring at my phone. A million thoughts and possibilities are running through my head, is it Adrien? Could it be Luka, did he ask Juleka for my number and then call me? What if it is Luka, what if he wants to meet up? What if he is just calling to say that we aren't friends and we should stop talking? What if he- My thoughts are cut short by Alya yelling, "Marinette! Are you going to answer!" I've suddenly forgotten how to move, I'm frozen in time and stuck in place by fear. Alya pushes the phone in my hands and I unknowingly answer. A small hello comes from the other line and I'm shocked. That voice, I can just picture blue surrounding me and I'm lost. "Marinette, aren't you gonna answer them!" Alya berates me. "S-sorry. H-hello?" I say questioning even though I know that it's Luka on the other end. W-wait, Luka called me? Oh my god, Luka called me! "Hey Marinette, it's Luka. I'm just calling and wanting to know if you wanna maybe hang out." Luka stammers out nervously. He wants to hang out with me. Me, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Do my ears deceive me or does Luka want to be with me, wait, you are way over your head Marinette. Calm down stupid brain and focus. I jump out of my thoughts only to realize that I haven't answered. "Of c-course, I w-would love to h-hang out. " I stutter out just thinking 'he wants to hang out with me!' "Well we could go to the park or you could come to my place, or if that makes you uncomfortable we could just study somewhere." Notice he seems off or is like talking weird, maybe we should meet up so I can ask him if something is wrong. Before I have the chance to answer Alya says to Luka that I would be at his place in 20 MINUTES! Then she hangs up with a rushed goodbye. "Alya what the hell was that! I can't go to his place, what if Juleka sees me and thinks something weird is going on. What if he just wants to say that we shouldn't be friends. Why would you do that?" I rush up the stairs and slam my face into a pillow muffling all my words. "Calm down girl, he probably just wants a study partner. I personally find that weird considering he's a grade above but didn't you say he just came back to Paris from America? Maybe he actually just wants someone to help him learn the in's and out's of our learning here." Alya tries to push me out of my bed so I can get cleaned up and be on my way to the Liberty. She rummages through my closet trying to find the perfect outfit, something comfortable but not too comfortable. Something warm but not too warm, and something pretty but not drop dead gorgeous. Something that is my style, well I mean everything in my closet is my style considering I designed all of it. She pulls out a blush pink pleated skirt with a simple black shirt and an overcoat that matches the skirt just in case it gets a little chilly. I jump in my bathroom brushing my teeth and hair, this time making sure that I put my hair in its signature pigtails. I change into the new outfit, it's light and breathable, it's perfect. I spray my favorite vanilla perfume on me so I smell like the bakery downstairs and I walk out to get approval from Alya. Her jaw drops at the sight of me, apparently she thinks I look stunning. I don't really believe it, I just wore something different for a change. Why am I wearing something different, I never do. I shake the thoughts out of my head and gather my bag so I can make it to Luka's on time. Rushing down the stairs and through the bakery I kiss Maman and Papa goodbye and tell them I'm off to study with a friend. I quickly text Luka letting him know that I'm on my way over, and he responds with a simple 'okay.' It's only around six o'clock while I'm walking, so I soak up the last bits of sunlight that will shine tonight. I look at the streaks of purple, orange, yellow, and that wondrous blue that light up the sky. I don't notice how far I've walked until I run into someone. Not again, I swear I am the clumsiest person alive, and then my name. It's my name on his lips, the same lips that look so soft and plush and pink. A hand in front of my face, waving back and forth like water that crashes on a perfect beach and I'm gone. I'm lost in the beautiful sky behind him, the way his eyes shine so bright, the way his hand felt in mine earlier this morning, and now I'm lost and wondering what his lips would feel like against mine. Would his kiss be soft and passionate, or would it be rough and needy like he's been waiting years for a kiss like mine. I'm pulled back to reality as his hand comes crashing down to catch mine cause I'm falling. His hand in mine and the other on my body, fire licks my skin and flames heat up my body with his touch. All logical thoughts are out of the window, I can only think of skin against skin, limbs tangled together, and lips stealing a forbidden kiss under the sunset. Then he pulls me in his arms and I stumble out. Catching my breath I focus on my surroundings. Luka looks worried and confused, the trees are swaying in the background, and the Liberty is in front of me. Wait- when did I get here? "S-sorry Luka I didn't see you there." I say confused. He looks at me again before registering that I said something to him and he responds with, "It's fine, I wasn't really paying attention either. So would you like to come aboard." He asks, staring into my eyes. His piercing gaze is so curious and beautiful, I could get lost in his eyes forever if I had the chance. Then he takes my hand again and leads me onto the boat. I quickly pull out of his grasp feeling as if I'm burning and rush out a quick apology for being so jumpy. He just nods and we get on the Liberty, I'm starting to feel kinda awkward, but then we stop. He turns and stares in my eyes, we both unintentionally lean into each other. He smells of mint and apples, it has put me in a trance. But then I see purple and hear a cough. Oh shit that's Juleka. We quickly jump apart, my face flushing with a very red blush and nonsensical words are spilling out of my mouth. "Hey Marinette, how are you?" Juleka asks not wanting to acknowledge what I was doing with her brother. "Oh h-hey Juleka, I'm good just had a rough day at school but besides that I'm fine. How are you?" I ask wanting to avoid the topic of Luka completely. "I'm all good just came here to check on Luka and I found both of you just staring at each other. You are both really weird, anyways I'll leave you two alone, so bye." Juleka said quickly running to go find her girlfriend Rose. "Well that was awkward, so what do you wanna do? You never really answered my question on the phone earlier, honestly I wasn't really sure if it was you talking the voice sounded different." Luka says, giving me a questioning glance. "I'm really sorry about that, I was trying to find words and my friend Alya decided to answer before I could and then I didn't know what I was doing and she just yeah, sorry." I sputter out trying to stop from embarrassing myself. A bright pink blush quickly spreads across my face as I look up at him. "If you want to study we can go to my room, or we can just hang out." Luka says nervously. "Yeah that sounds great." I say quietly, even thinking about being his room alone with him sends chills up my spine. As we enter his room I'm in awe. It's plain and simple with a bed and a desk, but what intrigues me most is his guitar pick collection and the fact that he has a Jagged Stone poster. "You like Jagged Stone? He's one of my favorite artists. His music is just raw and original, it kinda speaks to me in a way." I blurt out while taking in the fact that I am standing in Luka's room. "I feel you with that, his music speaks to me too. My mom used to rock with him when they were younger." He says just watching me as I look around. "No way this is so cool!" I grab a Jagged Stone guitar pick and just admire it. His collection of picks is huge and they are all on display. "Wow you must really love to play. I've never been one for music. I prefer to design stuff, but people have different hobbies." I say not really thinking about my words. I'm alone with Luka in his room, why is it hot? It's really hot, my blood feels like it's boiling. I quickly go to take my overcoat off but am having a little trouble because my hands wont stop trembling. Luka walks around and helps me take my coat off. His fingers gently graze my arms and his touch is like lightning shooting through my body. There is a white hot heat that is now pulsing in my core and my mind is lost. I think to myself, what are you doing? Why am I reacting like this. His touch is like a drug that I never want to give up, and then it is gone. The heat has dissipated and his touch is no longer there, and I'm left feeling empty. "T-thank you. I just couldn't get my hands to stop shaking, and then I felt trapped in heat and I just, thank you." I stammer out suddenly nervous and very embarrassed. "Do you play the guitar?" I ask trying to focus on everything but what it felt like to have his hands on my body. "Actually I do play, could I possibly play you something?" He asks and I get excited. "Really, yes!" He begins to play and I'm in a trance. The notes and the way he plays them is familiar. It's like a tune that expresses who I am and what I feel. "My playing is set to find someone's music and how they feel in the moment, what I'm playing is how the music would describe you right now." He sits down on his bed and continues playing. I sit down next to him and just close my eyes getting lost in the music. The last note fades and we are left in a comfortable silence. "Luka, that was beautiful. Who taught you to play so well?" I ask, still in a trance. He replies with, "My mother taught me when I was younger and before I had to move away. Her playing with me are some of the only memories I have from when I was in Paris. My father forced me to move with him to New York when I was around seven or eight, and playing guitar was the only reminder I had of her and Juleka while I was away from them. It was tough but I knew that I would come back to them, and I did. It's really nice to be surrounded by my childhood again and being around Juleka and having you as a friend is really helping me transition into the feel of things here. Thank you." I'm helping him, he considers me a friend. I haven't messed up, thank god. I thought he was gonna tell me that he hated me for knocking into him and then tripping twice only for him to catch me, and then having a panic attack in front of him. He doesn't hate me. My heart gets this warm feeling and my stomach feels as if butterflies are attacking it. "Well if you ever want to talk more and hang out just shoot me a text or call. Also welcome back to Paris and I'm really happy that you consider me a friend . Instead of studying we should get to know each other better, we could play 21 questions if you wanted to?" An icebreaker game is perfect, I can learn about the types of things he likes and we can just know each other better. "That sounds good to me, I haven't really had a friend since ever so I don't know how this works." Luka says kinda confused but definitely excited. I think to myself, he's never had a friend? How, he is utterly gorgeous and seems so sweet and nice. Who wouldn't want to be friends with him. "Okay well basically we get to ask each other twenty-one questions and we have to answer honestly, it's kinda like an ice breaker." I say hoping that he gets the jist. "Well that sounds great, would you like to go first?" Luka asks while looking down and messing with his hands.

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