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Adrien's POV

It's been forever since I've talked to Marinette, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable around her. Knowing that she is in love with me just doesn't feel right, we've always just been really good friends, I've never even remotely looked at her in a non-friend way.

I don't think I could ever see myself being in love with her. I don't know how to talk to her knowing that she has feelings for me, but seeing her hanging out with Luka this week has something stirring inside of me. It's cold and dark, I want her to stay away from him. I can sense that he is using her in some way, whether he is using her for her body or simply to satisfy his needs, he's dangerous.

Luka is bad news and Marinette will only get hurt if she continues to stay with him. Jealousy, it's what I feel every time he is near her. That used to be me, I used to be the person that she blushed for, and stumbled over her words for. He's taking my place, he's taking my friend. Nino seems to think that my jealousy is unwarranted and I shouldn't feel it considering I turned her down. I'm Adrien Agreste. I get everything I want because everyone loves me, they all want to be me. I want Marinette to myself, Luka doesn't deserve her.

Marinette is pure and kind, and he is tainting her. She's gonna come back to me whether it be at my hand or his. Throughout the entire school day all I could think about was how Marinette held his hand. She let him place his hand in hers, and she didn't let go. She squeezed his hand, almost as if she was reassuring him of something. To top it all off she kissed him, it may have only been on the cheek, but she placed her lips on his cheek. Her soft and pure pink lips on his cheek, how many times had she done that to me, none. Did her feelings change? Did she finally fall out of love with me? That thought caused a pang of hurt to run through my body, it felt icy cold. She shouldn't be near him, let alone touching him.

The school day passed by in a blur, my thoughts constantly drifted off to Marinette. I kept trying to catch her eye, but she wouldn't look at me. She wouldn't even talk to me, gods what did I do to deserve this kind of treatment. I had women begging at my feet for me to talk to them or look at them, but it seemed as if the roles were switched with Marinette. I need to get her back, so that was what I decided to do when the final bell chimed. As we walked out of Math I yelled her name and ran to catch up with her. She took one look at me and seemed disgusted in a way, also disappointed. She refused to look at me after that but I insisted that we needed to talk. I pulled her towards the entrance of the school for some privacy,since most kids were in the courtyard waiting for their friends.

"Marinette we need to talk. Are you upset with me? Did I do something wrong?" She looked at me with shock written on her face.

"Adrien I don't know what you mean, and why would I be upset with you. You choose to not talk to me all summer and then you see me with Luka and suddenly something changes." I'm stunned by her blatant honesty and the harshness of her words.

"I'm sorry but this has nothing to do with Luka, and I didn't talk to you because I was uncomfortable with our relationship at the time. But I've come to realize that you are one of my best friends and being away from you is hurting me. I miss our talks and when we used to hang out together. I actually came to talk to you in an attempt to mend our relationship and to remind you of my birthday party, but if you're upset with me then I understand." I say looking down trying to feign sadness.

"Oh Adrien I'm sorry if I came off that way, it was just unexpected. I'm sorry, I just thought you were jealous of Luka for a moment." Everything is about Luka now, god what happened to everything being about me.

"It's okay Marinette and I kinda am jealous of him. He seems to have taken over my role as your boy best friend. I miss how close we used to be, and I want that back. Maybe we could hang out one day, and maybe Alya and Nino could join us. I want this friendship to not fail, I believe that we can rekindle what we once had." Hopefully even more than that, Luka doesn't deserve to be with you. He doesn't deserve your kiss or your body. He doesn't deserve your heart or your soul, and more importantly he doesn't deserve your love.

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