I Sneak Out

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So I sneak out to the garden to see you

We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew

So close your eyes

Escape this town for a little while, oh oh

"Anakin?" She whispered. He turned quickly, greeting her with a boyish smile.

"I wasn't sure you would come." He admitted sheepishly.

"And miss the chance to see you? You're the first man I've met that hasn't spoken over me," she joked.

He smiled at the ground, a blush covering his cheeks.

"Do you want to take a walk?" He asked, hesitantly holding out his arm.

"I would love that," she linked her arm with his and the two took off down the stone path.

"So, did you enjoy the rest of the party? I saw you with your friend," he stopped. "I mean, not that I was watching you, well I was but-"

"It's alright. That was my sister, she saved me from a man who was getting a little too handsy." She told him, finding his nervousness cute.

"Maybe I should teach you some self defence moves." He suggested.

"Don't worry, I've been trained in combat. My friend Sabé taught me how to fight when we were younger."

"Maybe you can show me some moves?" He smiled, but it dropped a second later. "I didn't mean it that way, I'm sorry."

Padmé laughed, squeezing his arm.

"It's fine, Anakin. Maybe I'll show you my moves later," she winked, causing his face to flush a scarlet red. Laughing, she ran off through the garden, pulling him behind her.


"It's gorgeous," Padmé lent on the railing, looking out at the lake.

"I can think of something even better to look at," Anakin said by her side.

"Wow," she laughed.

"Too cliché?" He smirked.

"Just a bit. But I appreciate it," Padmé leaned her head on his shoulder, taking his hand in hers.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

Padmé whipped around to see her seething mother.

"Mother, I-"

"It was my fault, Mrs Naberrie. I invited your daughter for a walk." Anakin said. He released her hand and Padmé instantly missed his warmth.

"And how do you know this man Padmé? He could have done anything to you!"

"Mother, we met at the party. Anakin is a guard, I am completely safe with him,"

"I don't care. You have a duty, Padmé. No one will want to marry a girl who runs off with strange men in the middle of the night!"

"Well, I don't want to marry someone who sees me as an object instead of a person," Padmé said sternly.

Just as her mother opened her mouth, Padmé's father appeared at the entrance of the garden.

"Jobal, what is going on here?"

"Our daughter is running around with some boy!"

"Father, at least let me explain!" Padmé pleaded. Her father held up his hand, and they all closed their mouths.

"Padmé, say goodbye to your friend and go to your room, Jobal, please come inside."

Padmé's mother shook her head, storming off while muttering under her breath.

Her father turned back to the couple.

"I'll come up to your room soon, make sure you're there." And with that, he turned and followed his wife back into the house.


The door opened and Padmé jumped to her feet, wringing her hands.

"Sit down, child," Her father gave her a gentle smile, sitting beside her on the bed.

"Now tell me about this man."

"His name is Anakin. We met at the party when he was working. He was so sweet, I could have talked to him for hours." Padmé didn't even realise she was smiling.

"I know that look," Her father said.

"What?" She turned back to him, eyes wide.

"My dear, I think you're in love with this man."

"What? No, we just met,"

"Then what do you feel?"

"I feel something, but it might be too early to call it love. I'd like to explore it, though." She told him nervously, worried for his reaction.

Her father nodded, placing his hands on both of hers.

"Then you shall."

"Really? Thank you, father! Thank you," she flung her arms around him, squealing.

"Anything for you Padmé. Just do me a favour, alright?"


"Don't tell your mother."

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