A Balcony in Summer Air

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We were both young when I first saw you

I close my eyes and the flashback starts

I'm standin' there

On a balcony in summer air

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns

See you make your way through the crowd

And say, "Hello"

Little did I know

Padmé Naberrie knew her way around a party. Mingle with the guests, sip a few drinks, and sway to the band's music. Then when she had the chance, she would slip out to the balcony to take a moment for herself. This was her favourite part of the night, when she could overlook the gardens and admire the light of the stars. She was happy to just people watch, guessing where women had gotten their ball gowns or whether the men had noticed all the work they put in to impress them. Padmé knew that her parents were out there scouting for a husband for her, much like many of the other girls were doing. But she didn't care.

Padmé snorted ungracefully as she watched a man trip over trying to impress one of the women.

"What a lovely laugh,"

Padmé jumped at the voice, assuming she had been alone out here. She turned to see a man, slightly younger then her, dressed in the black robes that the guards wore.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, concern in his eyes.

"That's alright, I was off in my own world." She leaned back on the rail and looked closer at the guard. He had sandy brown hair, and beautiful eyes, as blue as the lakes of Naboo. There was a scar over his eyebrow, which only enhanced his rugged boyish charm.

"So, what is it that you find so funny?" He asked. Although he smiled and stood tall, she could see the tension in his shoulders. She waved him over, hoping to settle his nerves.

"Just people watching. These parties can get so boring,"

"I agree. This is the one part of my job I do not enjoy,"

"I can imagine. Watching the doors, unable to dance or join in," Padmé mused. It would be a rather boring job.

"It isn't all bad though," he smiled sheepishly at her. "After all, you're here,"

Padmé laughed. "You're flirting with me and you don't even know my name,"

The man chuckled awkwardly. "My apologies. I'm Anakin Skywalker, and you are?"

"Padmé Amidala, pleased to meet you," she curtseyed jokingly, holding out her hand. To her surprise, he took it in his gloved one and kissed her knuckles, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Just as beautiful as I imagined,"


The two talked for hours, and Padmé found herself laughing more then she had in the past few years. She learned so much about him, how he grew up on a desert planet with his mother, becoming a guard at fourteen to provide for her. Padmé shared her own stories, how she was at the age where her parents expected her to marry, but how she would much prefer to join the senate and make changes in the galaxy. She felt silly complaining when he had been through so much worse, but he listened intently and never once made her feel bad.

"I think you would be amazing in the senate." He smiled at her.

"Well, you're the first person who has said that sincerely." She told him. It was only then that she noticed how they had moved closer. Her eyes flickered to his lips, and their faces moved closer. She could feel his breath on her face, but then the balcony door swung open. The two jumped apart, turning to see Padmé's father.

"Padmé, your mother and I have been looking for you. Come, we have someone for you to meet."

"Yes father,"

As soon as he turned to leave, Padmé smiled sadly. "I'm sorry," she began to walk away, but made a split second decision and stopped.

Anakin was shocked when their lips met, but before he even realised what was happening, she was gone.

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