"Why did you say all that stuff to Eli? He already dealt with so much?" I asked. "You mean Hawk?" He asked. "His name is Eli and he's still his old self around me, majority of the time, but he stopped watching Dr. Who and hanging out with his best friend. You're supposed to be someone to look up to, but I will never look up to the words you spoke to him." I said.

"Dr. What?" Sensei asked confused. I have him a pissed-off look and he quickly changed his demeanor. "Look Ms. Isabella I understand you're upset, maybe I went a little overboard." He began to speak and I gave him a 'really?' look.

"Okay, maybe a lot overboard, but Hawk is in control of his own life. From what I hear he doesn't get bullied anymore. I know you liked him as he was before but as a Sensei I want to see my students grow stronger physically and mentally."

"I care about all my students and I wish you'd see that a little more, and for what it's worth I'm sorry things didn't go exactly as planned. I'm not saying I want Hawk to turn into a jerk, but I think he needs to figure things out on his own."

I took in Sensei's words and nodded at him. As I was turning away Sensei began speaking again. "Anything else on your mind? I don't think all that is from thinking about Hawk." Sensei said as he pointed to the beat-up car.

"Eli is the sweetest guy I've ever met and I feel safe with him. I've never been able to feel that with a guy before. My ex was a crazy piece of shit. I just don't want him to turn away from himself," I said. Sensei looked at the ground and back up to me.

"I see why you defend Hawk so much. Look I can't say I understand, but what I can say is dwelling on the past isn't going to make it go away. That asshole, he isn't going to hurt you anymore, you have to let go of your pain and learn to defend yourself for you, not for others. I believe in you Katherine." Sensei said.

At this moment I feel as if Sensei and I understand each other for once. "Pain does not exist in this dojo does it, Ms. Isabella?" Sensei asked. I smiled and answered him. "No Sensei." He returned the smile and walked to the other students.

Hawk's P.O.V.

I see the way Demetri looks at Kat, she might not notice it but I do. Ever since the Halloween dance that nerd has been looking at her as if she's the only girl in the world. He left Cobra Kai and he left our friendship.

I try to stay away from him as much as possible, but for Kat's sake, I still pretend like he's my friend a little. I understand Demetri is one of her best friends, but Demetri takes it to a new level of nerd and I can't go back to being one.

My thoughts began to poison my head as I pictured Demerti kissing Kat. I stood in front of a junker car and pictured the car's side as Demetri. In a rage, I swung my bat against the car and did extreme damage. Damn, that felt good.

My ears perked up as I heard Sensei calling us back to the front. "You guys hungry?" Sensei asked. Hell yeah, I'm practically starving. "Yes Sensei," We said. Sensei started to pass out beef jerky and I gladly grabbed one and took a bite. "Good, cause so are they," Sensei said.

I looked around confused as Sensei blew a whistle. Everyone started to panic as the sounds of dogs barking rapidly crept closer. German Shepards ran out at us from the corner. "Oh shit!" Aisha said.

Everyone screamed and ran in opposite directions. Everyone started hopping onto the cars for safety but I didn't see Kat on any of them.

I quickly looked around for Kat but didn't see her. Shit, where is she? I ran to the other side of the junkyard and saw Kat getting chased by one of the dogs.

"Katherine over here!" I yelled for her and she instantly darted in my direction. When Kat was in reaching distance I grabbed onto her and helped her get on top of one of the cars. I ran for the one next to her but I couldn't make it.

I felt the jaws of the dog grip onto my leg. "Ahhh!" I screamed in agony. "Eli!" Kat called out for me in concern. The dog eventually let go and ran away. "I'm fine totally fine," I lied to Kat.

 "I'm fine totally fine," I lied to Kat

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"Eli are you sure?" She asked. "Yep totally fine," I said. I tried to play it cool for the rest of training, but as soon as training ended I rushed to the hospital and had to get a shot.

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