Chapter 23: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 4.

Start from the beginning

Right as he used it both Izuku and Inasa went down to the ground. Inasa was completely pressed against the ground and couldn't move while Izuku was on his knee gritting his teeth. "I have to give it to you Izuku Midoriya. You are the first person I fought that didn't go straight down to the ground! Good Job but I am taking the position of General for myself once again this year as I did last time." stated Shikura with a small smile. The third-year had to admit it he respected Izuku Midoriya due to his will and ability to only go down to his knees. If he was even the bit distracted he was sure Izuku would get close enough to defeat him before he could use his quirk and that was something he was going to allow.

Soon after a few minutes, Inasa forfeited since he had to admit he couldn't move. Izuku though refused to give up and he didn't have to. Unless he were to be physically pinned or knocked out then he wouldn't be called out by the staff. Everyone looked at Izuku and looked at him as he stared at the third-year who was staring back. "Give up... even though you are down to a knee you won't be moving any time soon. You would have to run me to quirk exhaustion to stand up and that would take over an hour of me constantly using my quirk. By then, the pressure would knock you out before then due to you having to use your quirk to stay up like that." Shikura stated and Izuku gritted his teeth.

Up in the stands, Inko and All Might were worried about Izuku. "Why won't he just give up... he's gone far enough," Inko stated and All Might wondered the same thing. Gran Torino knew that the kid wouldn't give up without being knocked out or pinned. "Because he can't give up..." Gran Torino stated and they looked at him, but the Principal spoke up. "This kid is crazy... Gran Torino... do you think I need to have the staff get involved in this match and force him to give up?" the Principal asked and Gran Torino looked at him and shook his head. "If you do that then the kid will never let it go. He will always look back at this moment in shame. It's better for him to be defeated than you stopping the match so no matter what happens don't let the match be stopped." Gran Torino stated as he knew what was about to happen even without knowing what Izuku was planning. He just knew... he knew that Iuzku Midioriya was the 9th user and he wouldn't give up at this when he needed to face All For One. 

The third-year didn't put fear in Izuku Midoriya like the idea of fighting the 200-year-old monster does but Izuku refuses to let All Might fight the man alone and that idea drives Izuku to push forward. All Might and Inko just looked worried and didn't understand why Izuku was pushing so far when he has done so well against even third years. All Might was sure that even if Izuku stayed at UA he would have won against a lot of the second or third years as well if they fought Izuku. Soon they were all shocked at Izuku was able to stand up! 

Down on the field, the third-year was ins hock and yelled at Izuku and asked him how he was able to stand up! "BECAUSE I CAN'T GIVE UP! I HAVE SOMETHING I NEED TO DO AND I NEED THE POSITION OF GENERAL TO GET IT!" Izuku stated as he gritted his teeth and went through the pain as he powered One For All up to 20%. The pain from One For All and the gravity pushing down on him was extremely painful but Izuku refused to give up! Izuku took a step forward and everyone was shocked that he was moving even if it was a step at a time as they watched him get closer and closer to the third-year. 

"The-- the thing is--- I noticed your weakness!" Izuku stated and everyone was wondered what he meant. The third-year paled and cursed. "I see.... that is troublesome! You are the first to actually notice though I wonder when you did?" he asked Izuku and Izuku stated it was one of his previous matches when he blocked an attack with his gravity instead of moving. "It could be you were just that confident or... you couldn't move as I've confirmed. As long as you have the quirk turned on... you can't move!" Izuku stated as he got closer and closer as he slowly walked through the pain. The third-year smirked and congratulated Izuku for noticing it when even adults failed to. 

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