Chapter Two: Discussion

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The Ultimate Lucky Student has a sunny smile on his face as he approaches Byakuya's desk. Just being near him, Togami can feel the positive energy coming off of the short boy.

"Hiya, Byakuya Togami, right? I'm Makoto Naegi!" He offers his hand to the heir, but the gesture is not returned.

Byakuya simply takes a sip of the coffee he brought to class with him, icy eyes glaring down at the short boy's hand. When finished, he wipes his lips and continues to give an offended stare.

"I'm not interested in affectionate interactions, I want to get the work done as quickly as possible and get this over with." He tucks some soft, blonde hair behind his ear, then using his middle finger to push his glasses further up on his face.

With the joy draining from his eyes, replaced with disappointment, Makoto pulls his hand back. It's in his nature to be friendly, to be trusting. To be denied a friendly gesture- it throws him off, at least. He ignores it, though, knowing that he may get closer to Togami when the time comes... though, one would be sure that Togami would disagree with this idea.

"Well, if we're going to be doing a project together, when do you want to meet up? Oh, and where?"

"The library after school works just fine." Byakuya doesn't even look him in the eyes, he's staring at nothing in particular as opposed to offering the slightest bit of attention to his classmate.



It's cold outside, chilly breezes attacking each bit of exposed skin on Makoto's body as he walks to the library. His backpack is slung over his shoulder and he's holding one of the straps as he hums the tune of a popular song to himself.

He quiets down as he pushes the glass doors open, walking inside of the library. His gaze scans the area, looking at the seats and tables between shelves until he sees his classmate.

Byakuya is in a black leather armchair, leaning back comfortably against the seat, reading the same book that he's been carrying with him for the past week.

Makoto takes a seat on the beanbag chair next to the tall boy.

"You usually read really fast... how are you still on the same book?" He speaks softly, curiously, almost like a child.

"I haven't had much time to read as of late," He doesn't look up from the pages as he speaks, eyes still scanning the text.

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"Why? You haven't been preventing me from reading, there's no reason for you to apologize for it."

"I mean, um," He hides his face in his hands. "I feel bad about it, since reading is one of your hobbies and stuff!"

Togami shuts his novel, finally looking at the boy seated beside him.

"Hm. Most people don't sympathize with me," He pauses momentarily, looking away. "You're strange, Naegi."

Makoto doesn't respond, placing his backpack in his lap and unzipping it. He brought his notes and his laptop, among some other things he'd left in the bag from the last time it had been used. Togami sees that they're going to begin working and he does the same.

The two work together until around 6:00, the time the library closes. Byakuya gets up, heading towards the door without a goodbye when he's stopped by Makoto, who grabbed the back of his sleeve.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Well, I feel like I annoyed you, so... can I get you some coffee to make up for it?"

Togami cocks his head to the side, raising an eyebrow.

"You... want to buy coffee for me?"


"You," He points to Naegi. "Want to buy coffee for me?"

"Yeah," He has an innocent smile on his face and a gentle gleam in his hazel eyes, which have turned mostly green for the time being. "Is that bad?"

"You do understand that I'm quite wealthy, correct?" He holds onto the fabric of his shirt, around the chest-region.

"Yeah! It's just, I wanted to do something nice."

Togami gives him a stare that the short boy can't quite decipher. Is it offended? Amused? Perhaps the heir has never been offered a kind gesture like this before.

Byakuya lets out a sigh, using his middle finger to push his white-rimmed glasses back into place. They've fallen down a lot today, as he's had to look down in order to make eye contact with Makoto.

"Fine. I'll humor you."

Makoto is about to stim, but he quickly catches himself and stops it. What if Togami judges him... what if the affluent progeny doesn't understand? He's fearful that Togami may think less of him, and this makes his mood drop like a discarded piece of paper to a cold, tile floor.

"What coffee shop did you have in mind?" He's already halfway out the door, so the lucky student runs to catch up with him.

"Um, Starbucks, maybe."

"Starbucks? I've never been."

"Really? Never?" His eyes widen with what he can only dub as surprise, potentially shock. That has to be a lie.

"Sincerely, I haven't." He shrugs.


The sky is a light shade of blue, the buzz of cicadas and chirps of crickets the only sound beside their footsteps on the sidewalk. This is a nicer side of town, as Byakuya chose the location, and he decided it would be better if they went to a library closer to Hope's Peak. The sky is decorated with small, gleaming stars and thinning clouds, joined by the supposedly glowing moon.

"Are you sure you want to walk? I can get a limo to pick us up and drive us there."

"Yeah! I like walking, it's..." He tucks some soft, brown hair behind his ear, searching for the right word. "It's nice, I guess."

"Hm. Commoners are strange."

This makes the shorter student giggle as he tightens his grip on the strap of his bag. Perhaps he can make a new friend during this project. He wants to, at least.

He can just feel that there's a kindness, perhaps hope hidden in Togami somewhere... and he wants to find it. He wants to make it known.

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