I can't tell Shane, at least not yet. How is he even going to react to this? Will he be angry? Will be want me to get rid of it... Do I even want to get rid of it if I am pregnant? This is all too much for me to think about right now, I just need to get this pregnancy test and take it before I even think any further. Maggie is standing outside talking to Glenn hushed and intently before she turns her head to see me panting from running.

"Hey, Glenn, can I talk to Maggie privately please?" I try to sound not out of breath but I know it doesn't work. He gives me a polite nod before walking away from the two of us.

"I know this might be asking a lot but can we please make another run back into town?" My eyes are pleading.

"It's a little far and there isn't much of daylight left. What's wrong?" She asks quietly. I might as well just tell her, she would find out anyway if I ask her to get it.

"Please don't say anything to anyone but—" I look around quickly before making eye contact with her again leaning in closer to her. "I need a pregnancy test..."

"Oh." Realization hits her face as she nods understandingly at me. "Okay, we can go do that..."

"There's a car we can use since the sun is going down, it will be quicker this way too" I tell her.

"A car?"

"Yeah, Shane's car but we can't tell him what we are going to get" As I tell her this, her eyes flicker over to his direction and I see him talking to Andrea in the distance. "Please?"

"Say no more. Let's go."

Maggie and I walk over to Shane who immediately turns his attention away from Andrea and focuses it on me.

"Hey, what's going?" He asks looking between Maggie and I. I am going to have to tell a white lie, maybe...I have never been the greatest at lying.

"Maggie and I have to run back into town to get some medicine and since there isn't a lot of daylight left, can we use your car?" I ask him with pleading eyes, he glances at Maggie before looking back at me.

"You're going to go with her?"

"Well, yeah, I don't want her going by herself"

"I know, just be safe and take this" He responds before hanging me a very large knife and the keys to his car.

"Oh" I am unsure of what else to say, I have never held a knife so big before but I give him a reassuring smile. "I'll be careful. Thank you."

Maggie and I make our way to the car and I toss her the keys before getting in the passenger side. The drive to the small store is quick and we both make small talk on the way there, she doesn't ask me about my relationship with Shane but she doesn't seem judgmental about it either which I am happy about.

"Do you want to come in too? I could just run in and grab it if you want. You can stay here and watch the car" She suggests before pulling up to the building.

"Well... The sun is setting... I guess I'll stay here" I tell her. Maggie nods before getting out of the car and hurriedly going inside, she is out in a matter of minutes with two pregnancy tests in her hands before getting back in the car and putting the pregnancy tests in the console.

"Oh, you got two?" I ask as she begins to drive.

"Yeah, it's always better to have two so that way you really know for sure"

We drive back to the farm just at the sun has almost gone down completely, I whisper thank you to her as we leave the car and Maggie goes toward her house. I can't do this in the rv without Dale asking questions and I can't do this in the Greene's house without everyone being curious, questions will be asked either way. The only way I can do this is by going out into the field alone and finding ohh by myself. Everyone seems to be getting ready for bed and I know Shane is in his tent because I can see the outline of his shadow from the lamp in the tent that's on.

A shaky breath leaves my lips as I make my way into the field with the pregnancy tests in hand, part of me is really hoping I'm not pregnant. I can't have a baby in this world with the way it is, but it would be our baby... Shane and I would have a baby. I want to smile at the thought of it but I quickly suppress that feeling. Maybe in a lovely fantasy that would happen but this is real life, the world has ended as far as I know and I don't even know if Shane would be happy about this. I close my eyes as I hold the pink stick underneath me for a few more seconds before setting it down away from me so I can't read it just yet. I grab the second stick and hold it underneath me before waiting a few minutes.

When I pick up the first stick, I hold it up to my face and my eyes widen while the feeling of my stomach sinking hits me. Another wave of nausea flows through me but this time it isn't because I am about to throw up, it's because the test reads positive. No, this can't be happening... Not now. I grab the second stick as my hands begin to shake, when I hesitantly look at the second stick my eyes betray me as the tears roll down my cheeks. Both tests are positive.

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