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As we stand outside of the C.D.C. I stay close behind Shane as we slowly behind walking inside of the building. My heart pounds quickly as I try not to get my hopes for anything.

"Daryl, you cover the back." Shane instructs Daryl.

"Hello? Hello" My dad calls out in the building.

"Close those doors. Watch for walkers." I hear Dale say from behind us as the rest of the group enters and looks around the building.

"Hello?" My dad tries again as the sound of a gun being cocked and footsteps can be heard.

I look up to see a man looks to be in his early forties as he slowly walks toward us with a gun.

"Anybody infected?" He asks.

"One of our group was. He didn't make it." My dad answers him slowly.

"Why are you here? What do you want?"

"A chance."

"That's asking an awful lot these days." The man responds as I silently hope he'll help us. I don't know if I could bare to go back out there tonight.

"I know." The man observes all of us as we all stand in silence waiting for his next response.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." He finally speaks. I let out a breath of relief knowing that we will be safe tonight with a roof over our heads. I've never been a fan of needles but I wouldn't complain.

"We can do that." My dad replies as the man lowers his weapon down.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." The man says strictly as the rest of the group quickly hurries through the doors. We all make it into an elevator, as I stand next to Shane, I look over to see my mom shooting daggers at him with her eyes causing me to frown.

"VI, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." The man says causing a beeping sound to be heard. Are their others here? Maybe we aren't the only ones, maybe their really could be a cure.

"Rick Grimes." My dad introduces as he sticks his hand out for the man to shake but he looks away.

"Dr. Edwin Jenner." He replies softly.

"Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl chimes in referring to the gun.

"There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough. Except you, I'll have to keep my eye on you." Dr. Jenner says playfully teasing Carl, I look down to see Carl who cracks a smile. It's good to see him smile for once after everything. We exit the elevator and follow Dr. Jenner down a narrow hallway, I feel some tap my arm as I look over to see my mom giving me a stern expression.

"Stay beside your father and I." She says. I don't fight her on it as I move away from Shane. I can't help think she doesn't want me near her because we're in a new environment—It's because she doesn't want me near Shane. Shane turns his head to the side expecting me to be there but he turns his head around to meet eyes with my mother who gives him another glare—He quickly turns back around. I want to protest against my mom but I know right now wouldn't be the right time, in front of everyone and my dad.

"Are we underground?" I hear Carol ask as we continue walking.

"Are you claustrophobic?" Dr. Jenner asks her.

"A little."

"Try not to think about it." He suppresses a smirk and we enter a very large dark room. "VI, bring up the lights in the big room." Dr. Jenner says as the lights come on in the big room. "Welcome to Zone 5."

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