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Shane isn't in the tent which is maybe what causes me to wake up or it could have been the tranquil voices outside of the tent. The moon is unusually bright tonight, which is most likely why it's so easy to see who Shane is talking to. He and my dad both pull their attention in my direction when they see me coming toward them. Concern flashes over his facial expression causing the wrinkles on his forehead to become more prominent and indented.

"Are you alright?" He asks, worry braiding his voice, "Shane told me you were attacked?" My eyes peek over at him for a moment before redirecting my gaze back to my dad.

"Yeah, but I'm fine now" I try to sound bold in the matter, despite my sore cheek and arm. They don't need to worry about me right now, too much is happening lately and they've got more issues to focus on than a few scratches on me. The baby is fine, I am sure I would have felt something if that weren't the case so they don't need to worry about that either.
My dad glances to Shane for a moment, I doubt he believes my statement.

"Are you sure? Shane said the car flipped. Why would you—" He begins lecturing me, a loud scream is heard throughout the campgrounds, the farmland. My head abruptly turns in the direction of the panicked sound, the scream was high pitch.

"Dale!" The familiar and petrified voice of Andrea can be heard from not far away. My eyes widen while panic floods my senses, this can only mean the one thing we all dread. The one horrible thing, Dale has been attacked by a walker. More high pitch screams erupt from around us, coughing and gurgling can be heard. Both Shane and my dad immediately rush toward where the sound has come from, I don't hesitate to follow them both.

"Help! Over here! Help! Run!" Daryl shouts loudly. We stop once the sight is clear before our eyes, Dale lays on the grass. His body barely clinging to life as more gurgling sounds come from his parted lips, his eyes are wide and pained while horror fills his expression. "Hang in there, buddy" Daryl says gently, he stays kneeled down beside Dale while Andrea sobs.

"Oh my God. Oh God" Shane stammers, his eyes are just as horrified as the rest of us at this terrible sight. Dale's stomach has been ripped open, torn up by one of those monstrous creatures. My hand covers my mouth while the sting of fresh tears threaten to betray me.

"All right, just listen to my voice. Listen to me, all right? Just listen to me" My dad tries to soothe the man in agony, Dale moans in complete pain. "Okay, hold on now. Get Hershel! He needs blood. We got to operate now"

"Hang on, Dale. Hang on" Andrea urges him, I can see it in her eyes, through her pained expression. She knows he isn't going to make it, I think we all know he isn't going to make it. The fresh wetness on my cheeks makes the lump in my throat ache while I stand there helpless and unknowing of what to do to help Dale.

"Listen to me. Okay, listen to my voice. All right? Please. Hershel! We need Hershel!" My dad shouts again, I can tell he is panicking now too.

"Look at me" Andrea cries through her tears, she gently cups Dale's face in her hands as he pants heavily.

"Dale, we're gonna help. We're here. Just hold on" My dad urges him in a pained voice.

"What happened?" Hershel asks, his eyes are mortified as he takes in this horrible scene.

"What can we do?" My dad pleas with him.

"Dale, it's gonna be okay" Glenn tries comforting him, Dale's pants grow more urgent as the gurgling noises persist, he's suffering.

"Can we move him?" My dad asks desperately.

"He won't make the trip" Hershel's words confirm all of our fears, Dale isn't going to make it.

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